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Az had prepared himself for the worst, he had said all that he could and now was left feeling hollow, his life would soon become just a source for a spirit to take over, he was now simply a shell ready to be filled by the essence of one of the two Royal Alpha Wolves. His fate had been sealed, the curse upon him had directed his destiny and now he had to play through it.....

With defeated eyes he lifted his head to face the Moon Deity to resign himself to his fate, but when his eyes met those blue orbs he saw something completely different.

He saw pride-the kind you show when your kid does something great, he saw compassion-the kind you show to someone who impacts you deeply, he saw adoration-the kind you feel when you see a loved one stepping forth, but in her aura he saw love-the forgiving kind, the kind that said unconditional, the kind that held acceptance, the kind that said –'everything will be okay'.

"Stand my child."Az heard the Moon Deity say softly, and he had to ask himself if he had heard it correctly but stood up nonetheless.

"I must apologize to you for the pressure and setting you in this situation. In my love for the two I was blinded to see the terror they brought, in my love I failed to see the growing darkness in their achievements, in my love I failed to see past them, and I apologize for ever putting this burden on you."The Moon Deity said honesty in her tone.

"But you, you've shown me the truth, and I thank you for that. I failed to see past the attachment I had to my first sons but that is no excuse for the failure in my part."The Moon Deity now held a regretful tone.

"I applaud you for your courage and determination, I applaud you for your selflessness and compassion, you were ready to give up your life readily if it meant saving not only your loved ones but also those unknown to you, the openness of your heart and the love you hold for those close to you are what make you different from all other Royal Wolves. It was in your sheer raw love that I was finally able to see mistake and I thank you for that."The Moon Deity spoke with adoration inn her eyes as she gazed at Az.

"As my apology and to set things right, Aziel Aspro Chasin, I accept your decision as the cursed bearer."The Moon Deity proclaimed. "For fate was written with the tides of occurrence and it shall be rewritten by the gravity of these occurrences."

"I now see the light within you that led Novak to choose you to be his vessel."The Moon Deity gently smiled.

Az could only feel his heart elating with every word and his cheeks filling with blood at bring highly spoken of by the Moon Deity herself. But it was then a thought struck him.

"Will I still lose my life if fate is to be rewritten?"Az asked in a gentle voice. If it meant his family and loved ones would be saved he had no qualms of giving up his own life, but that didn't meant that it wouldn't hurt not being able to see them again, not being able to see the smile, hear the laughter, feel the embrace and love of his mate.

"You couldn't bring yourself to condemn the souls of the two who brought havoc into your life, who nearly destroyed everything you held dear, how can I ever bring myself to take the life of the one who showed me the truth while sacrificing himself to save the ones he loves."The Moon Deity replied with love in her voice.

It was then the floodgates of relief broke apart as Az began tearing feeling his whole body rushing with a sense of liberation. He smiled yet tears flowed down but he didn't seem to care, I'll get too see the smile of everyone again.

The air around Az began to change again, he felt the shift in spiritual aura around him and his gaze landed him to the Moon Deity.

The Moon Deity then lifted her gaze towards the sky, her eyes glowed a golden hue. The air around them was soon filled with a light mist that emanated from the Deity herself.

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