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Two days had passed since Caden asked Az for the date and Friday had finally come. Caden was a bundle of nerves. He had spent the two days planning and preparing for his date with Az. It was both exciting as well as nerve wrecking. He had even searched Google for the best date plans. Heinz had been of great help and had assisted him throughout his plans. He had narrowed down his date plans to three final choices till yesterday and today decided to go with the first of the three plans.

He was going to take Az to the waterfall that overlooked the boundary of their packlands and have dinner in the outdoor setting and stargaze while they talk about themselves and get to know each other better.

It was tough not spilling out the beans of the plan to Az at school. They had gotten pretty comfortable with each other during the past days and Caden had accepted him fully as his mate, but was yet to confirm if Az felt the same.


Caden dressed in a cream colored shirt with fitted dark navy-blue pants and black dress shoes. He checked himself in the mirror one last time before heading out to Az's place to pick him up. They had texted back and forth every night talking about each other without getting in too deep. Caden felt his palms sweat as be began nearing Az's house. He lived on the other side of the city almost bordering the beginning of the woods.

As Caden reached within sight of Az's house mother nature decided to throw a massive curve-ball to hamper all his plans for the evening. Dark clouds had filled the sky and the roaring of thunders foretold the heavy downpour that was to ensue.

As Caden parked his car in front of Az's house drops of rain had began falling from the traitorous sky.

Az opened the door upon the hearing Caden ringing the door bell. Caden was amazed by what he saw. Az was wearing a black shirt with dress pants and shoes clearly showing off his features.

"You look amazing."Caden said as he looked into Az's eyes with adoration.

"You look great too."Az said appreciating Caden's features.

Caden led Az to his car and that's when the rain began pouring with all its might, Caden let out a growl of frustration. He cursed the rain for spoiling the date he had so carefully planned.

"Hey, Caden are you okay?"Az asked with concern seeing his dejected face.

"Yeah, I'm fine."Caden let out another sigh, "It's just I planned our date to be outdoors and now the rain has sabotaged the plans."

"Umm we can always have it on a later day I don't mind."Az said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"No."Caden said almost too quickly. It was then an idea struck him if the date couldn't happen outside then it just had to happen inside.

"Heinz prepare the third plan, this rain won't stop me today. And tell everyone that a human is coming back home."Caden mind-linked his trusted Beta.

"Already on it."Heinz replied with a smirk.

"Do you mind if we go for a drive?"Caden asked trying to buy himself some time.

"Sure why not."Az replied with a smile. He was just happy spending time alone with his mate.

Caden drove along the border of their territory that led back to their pack-house. The drive was spent in a comfortable silence with occasional questions thrown in the mix.

"So where are we heading? I hope you don't plan to kill me somewhere in these woods."Az asked Caden as they headed the opposite direction of his home.

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