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Az woke up with a jolt, breathless and fear tugging at his heart with the feeling of hollowness in his chest.

Memories began filling his foggy mind and he remembered the moment he met the 'undead' and the fear that had enveloped him at that moment, the fear that he had come back for him. He still remembered Matthew telling him that the Alpha might be involved in the massacre and if it was true Az now feared the worst.

But the fear he felt at this moment was not his. No, it was much greater for the fear was not his, it belonged to his mate.

"Novak, what is happening?" Az questioned fear dripping from every syllable. But he did not feel Novak inside of him.

"Caden..Caden's in trouble..."Novak said breathlessly through the mind-link shared between the two.

Az then understood that Novak had manifested himself in the physical realm to help his mate.

"What happened?"Az continued still felling the shallowness and dread inside.

"Rogues."Novak said with a snarl. The one word that Az despised with a passion not because of who they were but because of what they do and did. Rogues had ruined his life; his parents, his family and everything he held dear in Blackwood Town and he was yet to understand the reason 'why'.

"I'll do something about the rogues but it looks like Caden's car was pushed off the road. He's bleeding from the hit taken to his head."Novak worriedly said. "You better come quickly. I can't hold onto this from for long and it causes immense strain on your spiritual aura."

"Okay..please make sure he's okay."Az said almost on the verge of tears. He wished his Grandma could be with him at the moment to help him out. He shook his head and ran out the door after hurriedly putting on his shoes.

He couldn't shift while Novak was out of his body, but being a Spirit Wolf his human abilities were much higher than that of a Werewolf in human form and he had never been so grateful because of that until this moment as he ran towards the school to get his car.

He felt the fear growing thicker as he approached the school but couldn't put his finger on whether it was from the earlier meeting or from his mate. They hadn't been mated yet but their spirits were connected and Az could feel every emotion of Caden through his spiritual aura which at the moment screamed 'pain.'

Az rushed to his car as soon as he entered the school gates and began driving frantically towards the pack-house. His mind was only filled with one thought 'Caden's safety'. He broke all speed limits and overtook any car he saw as he drove towards the woods leading to the Durwood Packhouse.

When he neared the woods he felt a familiar fullness in his chest.

"Is he okay?"Az questioned Novak who had just entered within him. Novak had grown stronger over the years and this finally enabled him to let other people see and feel his presence but it still caused immense strain on his spiritual aura.

"He lost consciousness and Heinz came along with Amy and took him towards the pack-house. I'm sure he'll be fine, his injuries should heal soon enough in a day or two." Novak answered as he rejuvenated his energy with Az's spiritual aura.

"I have to see him."Az said as he drove past the forest and entered the pack grounds.


"Where is he? Is he okay?" Az asked worriedly as Victoria opened the door to his frantic knocking.

Victoria was taken aback by Az's fear and anxiousness. She didn't know who had informed him of the accident because so far only the pack doctor, Daniel, Amy, Heinz and herself knew about it, but seeing his expression she quickly moved out of the way and led him to Caden's room where he was being monitored by George, the pack doctor.

"He's okay now. Just a few bruises, don't worry."Victoria said trying to calm Az down. She couldn't tell him that they were werewolves and would heal extremely quickly.

Az felt his heart deflate when he opened the door to Caden's room and saw him sitting on the bed covered in bandages. He wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss his mate until he was sure he was alright.

There was another man in the room wearing a white coat and Az assumed him as the pack doctor. He was a man in his early forties. "I'm George the ..doctor." he introduced himself as he made his way out of the room. "He 'll be fine just needs complete bed rest for a day or two."Marcus assured him as he got out of the room with Victoria to give the two some privacy.

"Hey, are you okay?"Caden asked breaking the silence in the room.

"I think I should be asking you that." Az scoffed as he sat by the bed and held Caden's hand. "How's your head?"

Caden laughed at the question and Az blushed when he realized the way he worded the question.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Its just a little bump."Caden said as he kissed Az's forehead.

Az could see the bandages around Caden's torso, left leg and head, he couldn't bear to see his mate in pain and so he did what he promised he would never do in front of any other person who were not a Spirit Wolf. He tapped into Novak's aura and enveloped his hand in the energy, he then pulled Caden's lips to his to distract Caden from what he was about to do.

Az gently placed his hand on Caden's injuries and increased the healing properties of his body by focusing his spiritual aura on those areas. He took care not to completely heal the injuries to avoid questions later. . He learned to do this while he injured Matthew during a training session and Matthew had warned him about it. It was not a normal ability for a Spirit Wolf to possess, but Az had never been so grateful for it, knowing that he could help his mate by quickening the healing.

"I was so worried about you." Az said as he broke the kiss, his job done.

"I'm sorry I made you worry."Caden said as he held Az's hand feeling much better. "Um who told you about the accident?"Caden questioned.

"Oh um...I kinda felt like something was wrong so I rushed over."Az said not wanting to lie to his mate yet not ready to reveal everything.

"I'm glad you're here. Are you feeling better now?" Caden asked worried about Az who was distraught the last time he saw him.

"I'm much better now thanks. But I will need some answers from Jack."Az said determined to get to the bottom of his parent's death.

"I asked my dad about it before getting into the accident I'm sure he'll find something out."Caden reassured Az.

"Thanks." Az said as he interlocked his fingers with Caden. "How did it all even happen?" Az asked trying to piece together the almost tragic events.

"I'm not sure either one moment I was driving and the next a car appears out of nowhere and slams into left of my car and I swerved off the road." Caden said recounting what had happened.

"I just glad you are okay."Az said with tears gathered in his eyes willing them not to fall as he brought Caden's hand to his lips planting kisses on each finger.

Caden simply smiled and dwelled in the moment with his mate.

Then suddenly the door was knocked open by a large dark drown wolf with reddish streaks carrying a bag in its mouth. The wolf then shifted and there stood Heinz in all his glory.

"Caden I brought you....OHH SHIT!" Heinz exclaimed when his eyes finally landed on Az. He cursed under his breath for not sensing his presence earlier but he was too worried about the health of his best friend which clouded his better judgment.

Now Heinz stood there eyes wide and body stunned and Caden tensed and tightened his grip on Az's hand, eyes wide. He wanted to tell Az about his secret eventually but this was not how he expected it to be. Az's silence on the matter did not help either. Now Caden dug his mind for words to explain everything to his mate...... 


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