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"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HIM?" Caden roared in fear as he watched his mate clutching his body in pain.

They had returned straight home after the awful scene with Jack Blackwood, all the while Az seemed to be shaking and shivering while he held his body groaning in pain. Caden wanted to hold his mate close and comfort him but as soon as he touched Az. AZ would scream in pain so he was left with the only option to watch as his mate writhed in agony.

"I do not know Caden, but maybe Jack is responsible for this mess....."Daniel mumbled the possibility as he watched broken hearted at the sight. Caden had already briefed him about the interaction they had in school. He had vowed to kill Jack himself if he was the reason behind Az's pain and his son's tears..

"I'm going to kill that bastard.."Caden seethed in rage. Ever since Jack had stepped foot into Durwood City everything seemed to be going wrong and troubles seemed to be brewing ever closer. Caden could feel his mate's distress through the bond and the pain he was going through was excruciating.

It felt as though needles were poking every inch of his skin while his blood boiled within him. Az was holding himself as tears freely fell from his face unable to take the pain. He felt hollow inside unable to sense Novak amidst the hurting.

"Focus on my voice Az, listen to my words....I'm here for you just focus on me.." Caden said lovingly trying to ease Az's pain in any way possible.

Az only looked at his mate with tear stained eyes the pain too much for him to form words. Caden's voice seemed to soothe him even though it was just a little. What's happening to me? Why does my body fell like its gonna break apart any moment? Why is this all happening to me? Az questioned himself in his thoughts as the pain seared throughout his body.

Caden sat at the side of the bed making sure not to touch Az afraid it'll increase his pain, he watched his mate with tears falling with every groan and moan Az made in sheer agony. It was at this moment he felt completely helpless. He felt pathetic to be even called an Alpha, ashamed to even look at his mate who suffered so much yet he could do nothing about it. He could only let his heartfelt words of love that he spoke ever so softly be the solace for the both of them.

"Oh Az!" Heinz cried out as he finally saw the state of Az while Amy gasped as they both entered the room.

Caden could only acknowledge their presence but refused to take his eyes off his mate as he continued to whisper to Az.

"Here light these candles and place them around the room," Victoria said as she handed a bunch of candles to Heinz and Amy. "They are herbal candles, they are supposed to soothe the spiritual aura and ease mental strain." Victoria spoke as she tried to hold back her own tears seeing Az's suffering.

The candles produced a fragrance that seemed to ease the burden on Az though the pain was till tearing him apart. The smell lulled Az spiritual state to finally calm down and he could finally feel Novak's presence that made him feel a little less hollow within.

Caden held his hands in a tight fist trying to remain strong for his mate but clearly failing seeing his mate in so much pain. Just when he though it couldn't get any worse Az let out a blood-curdling scream....

"AZ...AZ....please hang in there.."Caden shouted in pain seeing AZ.

Az then began to shake uncontrollably. His bones began to crack and his body twisted as he began to shift, hair started growing out of his body and his hands and feet turned into paws. His toned body shifted into a huge wolf with pure white fur.

Out of Caden, Daniel, Victoria, Amy and Heinz, who occupied the room, Caden was the only one who had seem Az's wolf form but even he seemed mesmerized by the sheer beauty and majestic presence of his wolf.

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