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Caden's Wolf....


The distress and fear rolled off from Az and Caden could sense the turmoil from him. He wondered about what had caused the reaction. When he saw what Az's eyes were fixed at he felt smack at his stomach at the gaze that Mr. Blackwood held. He could sense that Jack Blackwood was an Alpha and a powerful one at that but he could also smell the slight scent of feral coming from him though it was heavily masked by the alpha scent. 

He quickly held Az's hand and gave a tight squeeze, which succeeded in breaking the trance like state he was in. Az then quickly gathered his things and ran out from the room. Caden was startled at Az's sudden change of mood; one second he was talking and laughing along with them now he seems tensed and jumpy.

"Is he alright?" Jake asked seemingly concerned but his eyes told another story. His eyes seemed happy at the reaction he got out from from AZ and Caden could feel his blood boiling at the fact.

"He's a little under the weather, may I check on him." Caden said worrying about Az, clearly trying to mask of his murderous anger. Jack simply nodded and Caden was out of the class in frenzy, anxious for his mate's safety.

"Take care of the situation and give me updates on that new teacher. I'll check on Az and probably take him home after." Caden commanded Heinz through the mind-link.

"Yes Alpha, please take care of Az he seemed distraught."Heinz replied with a concerned voice.

Caden ran through the school sniffing the halls for a whiff of Az's scent. His heart thumped vigorously both with fear and anxiousness. He finally caught the scent of Az towards the direction of the bathrooms and in a haste made his way there.

He ran as fast as his legs could take him and opened the door of the bathroom to see Az's tear stained face and sorrow that seeped into his sweet scent.

Caden went and hugged Az soothingly rubbing his back to calm him down while Az continued to sob into his chest. "I'm here for you Az. I'm here."Caden whispered in a calm voice while he kissed Az's head with affection. His heart twisted at the sight of Az's angelic face puffed because of all the tears and he was devastated that he could do nothing to ease his mate's sorrow.

Memories flooded Az's mind and the dread and fear he had felt five years ago that he desperately wanted to forget all came rushing back when he saw Jack's face. At the moment he could not think straight his mind was clouded with millions of thoughts colliding into a gigantic mess. Novak was also clearly disturbed and anxiety from him caused Az to panic even more resulting in his current state.

"Shh..."Caden cooed as he ran his fingers through Az's hair in a loving way trying desperately to ease Az's internal struggle. 

"Come on I'll take you home." Caden said as Az seemed to calm down a little after minutes of standing in the warm embrace of his mate.

Az made no effort to response, his mind still muddy with all his questions, memories, doubts and other frantic thoughts.

Caden carried Az bridal style as he made his way out of the school and to his car. He opened the door and placed Az in the front seat and did his seat belt before taking his own seat and began driving towards Az's home.

"Az, I know you are dealing with a lot right and you might not know me trust me completely but please tell me what's bothering you... I can't watch you breaking down in front of me and not do anything. It hurts seeing you like this." Caden said as he placed a hand on Az's lap who seemed to have a lost expression peering straight ahead. Caden sighed knowing that Az was in no condition to talk at the moment.

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