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"Who are you?"Lucy asked with fear shaking in her voice as she looked up to see her grandson whose whole demeanor had changed.

"You dare ask me who I am when you clearly spoke of who I am oh so well" Spoke the voice from Az with so much authority and dominant presence that Lucy and Jack were forced to bow a little to stand his presence.

Lucy looked up when she heard the chains scuffling that was when she was hit with confusion and a raging mix of emotions. The chains that bound Az were simply dissolving without him moving an inch. But that was not all Jack was now being held down by those same chains as they reappeared right beneath his feet shackling him.

"LET ME GO!!"Jack shouted in rage.

"YOU WILL SPEAK TO ME WITH RESPECT" the voice from Az boomed across the room, as he shut Jack's mouth with a cloth that appeared out of thin air.

"Who are you?"Lucy asked again as she began taking steps back goose bumps forming on her skin from the intensity of his presence. Az snapped his head towards his head and his eyes showed something between annoyance and amusement.

"You ask me, your origin 'who I am'? Let me tell you then, I am the spirit of Zurkrel, the first Royal Skotadi Wolf to be born."Zurkrel said as the aura surrounding him got thicker.

Lucy was now lost in her thoughts, how had the two spirits merged into Az's body? Was the legacy not right? Was the knowledge she obtained when she transferred the seed not true? What was happening?

"Collect your thoughts pup, they are too loud."Zurkrel said his voice laced with annoyance.

"I expected you, the one who broke the seal of 'zoi', to know better. I had the control of my twin's mind before he ever touched my spirit but I knew he was too far gone to be saved then and so I placed that seal to place a fragment of my soul along with Pnevma's."Zurkrel explained to Lucy feeling he needs to stop her train of thoughts.

"Where's Az?"Lucy asked a little wary.

"Oh so now you're worried. Didn't seem like it when you had him kidnapped and were so ready to use him the way you deemed fit."Zurkrel snarled.

"I..I.."Lucy was unable to from proper words, because she just never thought about it, she just wanted her 'justice' moreover the aura radiating from Zurkrel only made it harder for her to talk.

"I'll ask you this because my vessel is also keen to know the answer, what were those five years when you took care of my vessel, held him when he cried, gave him the love he thought he lost, became the family he had thought were gone, tell me was that all FAKE?" Zurkrel snarled as he bends down eyes glaring at Lucy as he begun using his powers to dig into her emotions to find his answers.

Lucy sat there eyes wide, tongue-tied as Zurkrel kept digging into the last bit of emotions she held. Soon as Zurkrel looked into her eyes and held her gaze memories and emotions began flooding into her mind. It all began with being abandon by her parents; that was the first time a crack formed in her heart all because she was born a Night Wolf, then came the memory of her heart swelling at the fact that she found her mate which too shattered before her eyes when Roger rejected her with such animosity in her eyes banishing her from the packlands. Another image flashed as she saw Haley her cornerstone, her only family, her friend who in the blink of an eyes turned her back on her as soon as she found her mate-a mate who had just rejected her-leaving another huge slash in her breaking heart.

Memories of when she was with Damien flooded her mind next, the laughter, those little deeds of love, those cheesy lines, the twinkle in his eyes when he looked at her, the only one time when she ever believed that life could be happy but that was simply ripped apart as Roger tore him apart limb by limb as other Warriors held her down forcing her to watch the light of her life fading into the abyss right before her eyes. That day her heart broke never to be held together again, that day she lost herself to the darkness that Damien had managed to subdue.

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