Chapter Four

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I shifted my pants around the best way I could, hiding the huge bulge poking through my crotch area of my black jeans. The knocks on the door seemed to grow aggressive by the minute, prior to hearing a familiar voice angrily shout from the other side, "Open up, you bastard! I know you're in there! Open the fuck up!" Dammit. It's Laura's older sister: Cheryl. I was a little relieved but also irritated knowing it was her. I thought it might've been the police.

Cheryl and I had a mutual hate relationship. I never liked her because she always tried to keep Laura away from me. I think she was jealous of our relationship; she was never supportive.

I reluctantly opened the door for her.

A part of me hoped she'd just disappear and it would all be only a nightmare, but sadly, I knew it wasn't. When we met faced to face. She pushed me aside, barging straight into my house, her heels clanking against my wooden floor. I shut the door and whipped around to look at her. "You have some fucking nerve–"

"No! You have some fucking nerves!" She screamed while pointing a finger at me. "Where is Laura? She was with you last when I spoke with her and she hasn't been around in weeks. It's not like her."

I did my best to maintain my composure. I breathed deeply before I gave an answer. "Well, I haven't seen her, either. If you knew your sister like you think you do. You would know we had an argument weeks ago and broken up for a while. She left me." 

She was only making accusations. She had nothing on me.

"Bullshit. You think I don't know about your violent streak? You abused her and I do not know why she kept running back to you... I tried so hard..."

"Ugh! Laura! Laura!" she called out, strutting her way through my house and I followed closely after her. "She's not here. I already told you I don't know where she is."

She spun on her heels to face me, her full, deep toffee curls freely swayed with force, falling around her shoulders. "So why haven't you looked for her, then?" She asked me, a curious squint of her russet eyes, lips pouted and arms folded over her chest.

"You were crazy about her, obsessed with her. You're telling me you just let her walk out, and you didn't think to stop her?"

"I loved her, yes, but you know as well as I do that Laura has a mind of her own. She does whatever she wants to do. I couldn't stop her... because I broke her trust again, and I promised she could go and I kept my word, so if you want, keep searching my house." I told her calmly. She said nothing. Instead, she stared me down, her eyes flickered, searching for something, but I refused to crack. "Or I could call the police right now for trespassing and harassment.

"It's your call." I smirked. Checkmate.

Cheryl stood there, tapping her foot repeatedly on my floor, then puffed out a huge breath. "Nothing to say now?" I shook my head in distaste. "Something tells me you didn't actually think this little 'interrogation' through." I crossed my arms, feeling bold. "I'll tell you what. I'm going to show you mercy today, but you come back here again, and I will have you arrested." I threatened her, only I was bluffing. "I swear to God, Julian. I will do whatever it takes to end you if I find out you have done anything to my sister, and that's a promise, not a threat." She walked closer to me, but kept some distance between us. "You think you're the only one who can be crazy? Try me." She spat, her tall, slim figure shoving past me, and stormed out of my front door, slamming it shut behind her. At last, I'm alone. I dropped my arms to my sides.

My body relaxed from its tension and I released the breath in me I didn't know I held in. I knew erasing Laura from my life would get complicated, but with her sister sniffing around, this can be worse.

I withdrew the key to my basement door from its secured hiding space. I unlocked the door and went inside, hitting the light switch on the wall at the very top of the stairs. I stepped down the old, creaky stairs until my combat boots landed on the rough, cemented floor. I stepped to the black duffle back, lying in the center. I kneeled down and caressed the bag. Inside was Laura, her still and cold dead body. Cheryl wasn't wrong. Laura is gone because of me, but I didn't want this for her.

"Laura, please don't leave me." I pleaded, blocking her from the door. "Julian, please, move." Said Laura, fear and determination held in her eyes. "We can work this out. I'll do better, I promise. Let me show you how happy we can be."

I held her face in my hands gently. "You are everything to me. I can't live without you," I told her. Her thin, salmon-colored lips quivered. Suddenly I felt her small hand on my chest and before I could prepare for what was going to happen next, something sharp and intense was in my stomach. I was stunned, instantly dropped to my knees on the floor. My mouth hung open. "I'm sorry, Julian. I didn't want to do this," Laura cried, her body trembling. "Goodbye." She said, moving away from me, slowly. I noticed blood dripping down her hand. She grabbed the bar of the suitcase and went around me. My body hunched forward, I held myself up with one hand and use the other to feel around my stomach until I felt a plastic handle. Somehow, I gained the strength to snatch the object out of me, revealing a small knife. I painfully groaned and applied pressure to my wound with my hand, and crawled weakly after her. "Laura..." I choked. Her hand on the doorknob, she gave a twist and pulled it. Right then, I lunged forward and stabbed her in the back of the leg with the knife she used on me. She screamed. I took it out and jab it into the other leg quickly, causing her to whimper in pain and fall to the floor, letting go of the suitcase handle. "Fuck!" I swore, falling right onto my fresh wound, feeling the stinging sensation. I noticed her struggling to pull herself away from me, but I grabbed onto one of her legs and dug a finger into her fresh stab wound, causing her more agony. Call it adrenaline, but I felt unstoppable. I could pull myself on top of her, using the weight of my body to hold her still. "I told you, you can't leave me." I said before I grabbed the back of her head and repeatedly smashed her face onto the floor.

A tear escaped my eye and dropped onto the bag as I still caressed it. She tried to kill me, so I had no choice. It was only self defense. "Please, forgive me, Laura." I said softly. "I didn't want to do this."


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