Chapter Forty

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Together, we moved slowly. I pushed open the curtain of the tent and stepped out first, then Krista after. We walked in rhythm to the music. Everyone stood on either sides of the aisle in 'awe' of her.

My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a person in particular, but I couldn't see her in the sea of people.

I turned my attention forward, focusing on getting my sister to the altar. We were almost there, just a few steps away now.

"You're doing well," I whispered to Krista. She gripped my arm even tighter. "I feel like I'm gonna faint."

"Deep breaths," I told her.

At last, we were at the altar. We unlinked arms and Robert stepped down, extending a hand for Krista to take. "Wait a second," I said at that moment, turning to my sister and she looked at me.

"I just wanted to tell you, I'm happy for you and... uh, good luck." She responded by embracing me so tight and I held her close before pulling back. "Okay, go get married," I urged her. She left my side and took Robert's hand. At that moment, he and I quickly exchanged looks, nodding our heads downward at each other.

I had to admit, he cleaned up nice. Tapered haircut, trimmed beard, and a perfectly ironed, gunmetal gray suit. It was for sure his style.

I left the aisle to go find Eliza, and leaving them to it. As I came up on a row of seated people, I saw a waving hand in the air. I smiled, knowing who that was. I squeezed past everyone, making it to her and taking a seat.

"Your sister looks so beautiful," she murmured, leaning in close to me. "Yeah, she does." I agreed with her.

The music came to a halt and we were launched into the ceremony. It was rather fast. Before we knew it, we were being dismissed from our seats and off to the reception party. I locked hands with Eliza and guided us through the horde. When we made it through, I spotted a small table full of alcoholic beverages, near the four long dinner tables. All of them covered with a fresh, white, silk cloth.

"Do you want to get a drink with me?" I asked, looking her way. She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay," was all she said, seeming to be indifferent to the idea. We then headed over to the table, trudging through the warm sand.

I let go of her hand and made two stiff drinks on the rocks for us.

"It was such a nice ceremony. Your sister picked a good theme for it." Eliza spoke, standing beside me.

I turned and handed her a short glass. "Thank you," she said, taking the drink. I nod, then twirled around the dark liquor in my cup before taking a sip.

"Ahh." I breathed out as I removed the glass from my lips and took in the scenery around me.

"Yeah, you're right. It is beautiful. I wouldn't mind having this kind of wedding." As long as it's with you.

Right then, an abrupt harsh cough filled my ears. I snapped my head in the direction I had heard it, percieving it came from Eliza. She had a sour look on her face as she lightly patted her palm against her chest.

I frowned and rushed to her aid. I put my hand on the lower part of her back. "Hey, are you alright?" I questioned. She nodded while also clearing her throat in the process. I stared at her with a concerning look, unconvinced. Her eyes flit to my face. "I'm fine." She forced out. I let out a breath, still feeling worried. "This drink is so strong," She said, her voice sounding hoarse.

"What is this?" She looked at the cup.

"Just whiskey," I short replied.

"Well, my chest feels like it's on fire," she said. "Hang tight, I'll go grab you some water." I told her before excusing myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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