Chapter Twenty · Two

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The kiss sparked a flame in me that awaited to be ignited — well; it did until I received an unexpected response from Eliza, taken aback by my sudden choice of actions, it seems. "Woah. Julian," she said, pushing me back. "... I, um, I wasn't expecting that."

"I'm sorry, I should've asked first." I apologized. Dammit, Julian, don't fuck this up. "Well, yeah, I mean that would've been nice," she says with an awkward chuckle before getting into a serious tone. "Listen, Julian, I like you and this friendship we have. I'm not sure if I'm ready for something beyond that just yet, especially with my life right now, everything with Eric–you understand, right?" No, Eliza, I don't understand. I understand nothing that's keeping you apart from me. I nod. "Yeah — yeah, of course. I completely understand. Well, I'm sorry for reading you wrong." I say. "Julian, you don't have to be sorry. I just–" she paused, fiddling with her hands as she searched for the right words. I can tell she was under stress. "Let's just take things slowly, alright?" She shot me a small smile. "Yeah, we can do that." I was calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was boiling. "Well, I should probably get going now." I said, shooting her a half smile, trying hard to bite back the rage that's pumping through my veins. "Okay, well, be safe." She told me. I didn't respond. I just turned around and walked away.

When I got to my car, I turned to see if she was inside and she was. I opened my car door, got inside, and slammed the door shut. My breath was harsh and my jaw clenched. I pounded my fists on the dashboard, repeatedly hitting it harder and harder, until I unleashed most of my anger. Fucking Eric, even dead, you're still a thorn in my flesh. I'll be more than glad to get rid of what's left of you tonight. I took a somewhat long driver and found myself here. I was parked in front of the Santa Monica Pier. It was 9:52pm; the beach was pretty much empty, mainly employees left who were closing their shops. As usual, I had a scheme up my sleeve. I planned to dump Eric's body in the Pacific Ocean of Santa Monica. To be clear, I want to drop his body so far down that you won't even find it with a submarine, but for this to happen, I'll need a boat. Boat rentals are usually shut down around this time, but I hoped to convince them, even bribe, to make an exception: I'm willing to use everything I got for this to work. Ready to execute my plan, I got out of my car and walked over to the boat rental area.  

There were two guys who were casually chatting as they locked up the shop. They both appeared to be in their mid twenties. One guy was a curly redhead with emerald green eyes. The other guy was a beach blonde; his hair was more wavy, and he had sapphire-like blue eyes. He stood a little taller than the other guy, maybe by a couple of inches. However, I towered over them both with my five–eleven height. I walked up to them, both hands placed in my pockets. "Hey, excuse me?" I called out, addressing both of them. The blonde-haired guy mumbled something to the other before walking away. I narrowed my eyes. "Hey man, what can I do for you?" The red-haired guy asked. "I'm... looking to rent a boat," I say, "I know it's late, but I would really appreciate if you'd help me out just this once." flashing a half–smile. "Um, I'm sorry, man, can't we're closed," he responded short and blunt, shrugging as if he didn't know what else to do. "I know, but you don't understand. See, I really need that boat." I said, taking my hands out of my pockets and leaning on the countertop. Come on, you prick. "Look, dude, we're closed. I don't know what else I can tell you but to come back in the morning." He said, getting slightly annoyed. I took a breath. I could feel anger rising within me. "I'll pay you, please?" He gave a frustrated sigh. "You just won't take no for an answer — wait here." He said, walking off to another part of the shop where he was no longer visible.

I waited all the two minutes it took before he arrived back with an exhausted look on his face. "Alright, dude, you got a deal. What kind of boat would you like and how long will you be using it for?" He questioned, getting a piece of paper and writing something I couldn't make out just yet. "Speed boat will do. I'll have it back in a bit." I told him. "Well, I can't really be here past closing hours, so here, take this. I wrote my name and number down — I could lose my job for this, so call me tomorrow before you show up and I'll tell you when I'm here for you to bring it back." He said to me. I nodded and took the paper and stuck it into my pocket. "Now, your total is going to be–" I put a hand up. "I don't care how much it is, you can charge it to my card and here's two hundred for yourself." I said, cutting him off and pulling out my small black wallet and handing him my credit card and two hundred dollar bills. "Oh. Okay, cool." He replied before taking the card, then typing away on the register keyboard. Once he was done, he handed me a receipt. I was about to walk away when he stopped me. "Hey, um, quick question bro," he says. I looked at him, a brow raised. "Why do you need this boat so bad? What's the occasion?" He eyes me curiously. "Oh, nothing in particular, just some late night fishing." I said. He hummed. I can tell he didn't buy it for a second, but he wouldn't be that stupid to press his luck, now, would he? "I'll get that boat for you." He told me. I smirked.

I walked back to my car and got inside. I drove around, finding a spot closer to the beach, near some stairs. Getting out of the car, I looked to see if the boat was out — to my luck; it was ready to go. I walked around to my trunk, using the key; I unlocked it and opened it up. My nose wasn't prepared for the awful smell to violate my nose immediately. It seemed as if it had worsened from earlier today. However, that didn't stop me from lugging his body, wrapped in a black garbage bag, from my trunk to the ground. Afterwards, I slammed my trunk door shut and retrieved my keys before picking up the end of the bag where I tied it and began dragging the body close to shore, heading towards the boat. The sand separated under my feet like gravel, and I could hear the waves swishing and crashing, washing the shore. I admired how peaceful it was as I dragged the body to the boat, stopping a few times along the way to cover up my shoe tracks and the tracks of the body being pulled by kicking sand over them. Finally, I made it and hoisted the body up onto the boat with the most strength I could muster up. The weight of his body felt as close to carrying a shit load of bricks. I noticed the key was already in the ignition, so once I was set with everything, I started the boat and drove  out to the ocean. I sailed a ways out, about an hour from the beach. I was surrounded by a body of water, and though it was dark in the faint distance, through a bit of the fog, I could see high mountains. The glint of light from the full moon emitting onto the surface of water, creating its own reflection within the ripples of the waves. I was on the border of Santa Monica beach and Pacific Ocean. Cutting off the boat engine and began dragging Eric's body slowly across the floor of the boat, using the moon as my only source of light. I hung half of his body onto the edge, which caused the boat to lean over a little before I dropped Eric's body completely over into the water. A big gurgle and bubbling sounds were heard as his body sank into the arms of the ocean and nothing else was to be seen.


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P.s. thank you for the 4k+! :O I can't believe I'm saying that lol. 🤍🖤🤍

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