Chapter Thirty

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I couldn't help but smile, even though I knew he avoided my question. Julian was something different. I couldn't quite explain. I just knew I enjoyed him and his company. The way my parents were so strict with me about not having boyfriends when I was growing up, I didn't get to experience a relationship like most teens would have or just time for someone like him, so it is nice to have that experience now. It was Saturday, and it was expected to be humid weather for the day, even though it is mid-spring, but that's Los Angeles for you. On the brighter side, I didn't have to go to that nightmare of a job today, which I was relieved about, but now I have to find something to do. Maybe I'll call Becca later.

I stood in the kitchen, brewing a fresh pot of coffee. As I was on my tippy toes, reaching for a mug from the cabinet, I suddenly froze when I heard a knock at the door. My brows instantly furrowed as I wondered who it could be this early in the morning? However, I didn't let that stop me from grabbing a coffee mug and placing it on the counter. There was another knock and shortly after that, I began to make my way to the door. Only by the time I had gotten to the living room, the knob was already being twisted; then the door was pushed open.

The hell? "Hey–" I started to say before I saw my mom coming in and immediately interrupting me with her loud and dramatic sigh, then said, "Eliza, honey, why don't you lock your door? It's not safe. Someone can just walk right in here." She closed the door behind her and locked it. Meanwhile, I stood there, watching her. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Um, you mean how you just did?" I said sarcastically and mom shot me a serious glare. "Well, yes, and you should be thanking God it was me." She told me, walking over to the sofa and setting down her purse on one of the empty couch cushions. I rolled my eyes at her and walked back into the kitchen, as I was going. I asked her, "What do you want, Mom?" Shortly, I heard the sound of a chair scraping across the floor, and I assumed she must've pulled out one of the dining chairs, and taken a seat at the table. I waited for a response while I poured coffee into my cup, then mixed in a little sugar and creamer. I listened as she cleared her throat, then said, "Well, I was hoping we could talk."

Once I was done, I left the kitchen and saw mom was in fact sitting at the dining table. I met her there and placed my mug down on the table. "What is it, that you want to talk about?" I asked as I took seat across from her.  I was just getting settled when I saw her glance at my cup. "Ooh honey, I'll take one of those too, please," she said, and I huffed before getting up from my seat and going back into the kitchen. I returned only a few seconds later with another cup of coffee. I set down the cup in front of her on the table and afterwards, I sat down in my seat once again, then looked at mom as she took a sip of her coffee before setting it down.

"You know... you really need to work on your hospitality." She remarks, and I shrugged. "What did you have to say?" I questioned her, wanting to just get it over with already. Truthfully, I didn't have anything to say after last night, but I am willing to hear her out. She's my mom, after all. Although a part of me is sad to not see dad come with her, he must be really upset with me. "Well, I know, it is... early and I apologize for just dropping by like this, but I hated how our first night together turned out. I know we all said some things, but your father and I had a major bomb dropped right on us," she says, and I sighed. "Look, I get it. It's a huge deal to you guys, but-" mom cut me off. "And it should be a big deal to you–this is your life we're talking about, Eliza."

"Exactly, it's my life and I would appreciate if you and Dad would just let me live it the way I want. Is it so hard to just trust me? Maybe I can become successful following my own path and not yours." I said, then took a sip of my coffee. "Listen, darling, it's not about if we trust you. We are your parents. It's our job to be concerned with what you do in your life and if we see you aren't doing what's best for yourself, then as your parents, it's our job to steer you correctly." she explained. "And it's not like we don't believe in you, Eliza. We both know you can do great things, but the choice you have chosen isn't the right path for you."

"I–I guess I can't be mad at that. It's.. just... for me, life isn't all about working or being successful. I'm still finding myself and learning what's out there. Unfortunately, that comes with mistakes that I will make and I will need my parents to be more understanding of that. You both were once my age." I stated, and mom nodded. "Yes, we were, and that's why we're so hard on you now, life was tough for your dad and I, we didn't have the money or resources back then, but now you have numerous opportunities and we don't want you to let it all go to waste. Look, we just don't want to see go down the wrong path." She told me, then, brought the mug to her lips and took a couple of sips of her coffee. They just refuse to hear me out. "I won't." I simply say. "But how can you be so certain, Eliza? I mean, what plans do you have?" Mom asked, and I shrugged. "I... I will figure it out–I am figuring that out." I told her and she shook her head, disappointment evident on her face. "See, this is the kind of thinking that makes us think you should just go back to college. It's not too late." Mom suggested.

I stared at her in disbelief. "You cannot be serious right now." I say. "Oh, but I am. Why is it so hard for you to do what's right? I mean, if you want to change your major and do something you'd like, then that's fine, but honey, I can't and I won't watch you make bad choices you're going to regret later in life." I heavily sighed and shook my head. "Why is it so hard for you and Dad to listen to me?" I asked in an irritated tone. Mom inhaled a sharp breath, before she answered my question. "We are listening, but as your parents, we must enforce."

"So, is that why you're here? It's not to talk, it's to convince me to enroll back in school?" I questioned mom and when she didn't answer, I figured I was right. "I should've seen this coming." I commented. "Well, yes. You're our only daughter and we care-" I cut mom off, using a harsh tone with her. "No! Both of you only care about your self-absorbing egos. I am done with this conversation." I told her, then got up from my seat. "Please don't be upset." Said Mom as she stood up. "I'd like you to leave." I could see the hurt flash in her eyes when I said that, but I was upset, and she caused it. "Honey... I don't want to leave like this. Let's just talk about this, please?" Mom begged me, but I just shook my head. "I need some time, okay?" She nodded and sighed. "Fine, just... think about it sweetie, we leave tomorrow night." She informed me before giving me a kiss on the cheek, then headed toward the door, grabbing her purse on the way out. I watched her leave. Once the door was closed, I sat back down and threw my head in my hands. They are so unbelievable.

Rewrote this chapter as a separate chapter because it just made more sense than splitting it between her and Julian's Pov.

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