Chapter Eighteen

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"Um... can I have... a small hot cup of tea, and... two of these banana nut muffins, please?" I asked the barista.

"Sure, that would be $12.56." She informed me. I nodded, then paid for the food, and she added that there would be a five-minute wait for the hot tea, so I stood to the side of the counter and leaned on it while I waited. 

It was early morning when I'd woken up, looking forward to starting my day. I was in a positive mood, so I figured I would go out to this coffee and tea shop near my place and get something for myself and even something for Emelise. I started feeling bad about hitting her. I thought I had myself and the situation under control, but the truth was I had lost it and became highly irrational with a child. I'm not proud of my behavior, nor am I too proud to admit I was wrong. I made a mistake, but we all make mistakes. I took myself out of my thoughts as I looked at the tv, noticing the news was on. 

"A young girl by the name of Emelise Rose Noxen was last seen out at her grandmother's home when a strange man approached and took her right on the scene. The grandmother said prior to that moment she was inside the house and when she went to go check on her granddaughter, she reported seeing a stranger or a strange man putting her granddaughter in an unknown, gray vehicle. The grandmother says she tried to stop them in the act, but wasn't lucky enough to catch the perpetrator and before she knew it, they were gone. If you have any information on the whereabouts or may have seen this little girl, please call us at the number below." Diane, the reporter said, "Let's also not forget that just a few weeks ago there was an abduction of a young woman who was last seen at the bank where she worked. She still has yet to be found. New reports say they may have a lead with a pocket knife found with multiple fingerprints near the victim's car at the crime scene. Could this have been the same perp or just a coincidence? Could he have struck yet again? Whoever this must be is no stranger to committing a crime. I sincerely sympathize with these loved ones and hope for a safe return home." She concluded.

Shit. I have to go. Immediately, I charged for the door, and just as I was walking out, I faintly heard the barista call after me. "Sir! sir! Wait, here's your or-" but before the barista could finish, I was already gone.

I was back at home, pacing back and forth in the basement. I was lost in my thoughts. Emelise watched me intently, not saying a word. Well, it wasn't like she could after her little stunt. I ended up taping her mouth shut with some duct tape. A million thoughts were running through my mind like a spreading wildfire. For starters, I wondered about the fingerprints on the pocketknife. They said there were multiple, but I don't think I had touched it. So, whoever's fingerprints were on there besides Cheryl's is most likely a suspect of theirs and that is just a dead end for them; however they will have to take the fall for it. The cops have their evidence, tying them to the crime scene, rooting me out altogether. They will make their assumptions and the rest will work itself out. All I know is that it's not a concern of mine because I have covered all my of tracks. I'm not too worried about the investigation of Emelise's whereabouts. They don't have anyone identified, and there's numerous gray cars in California. That was another dead end for them. As far as their suspicions of the two crimes being done by the same person are a sort of reach for them, I mean, they have no real reason to think that. Now it was on to Eric, the original plan I had set for him. I wanted more time before I made a move. I wanted him to suffer just a bit longer, but the truth was, I was suffering. My need for Eliza has shortened my patience and after what I've experienced with his daughter, I'm ready to be done with her. So that was my next move.

I stopped pacing and stood in front of Emelise. Suddenly, I snatched the tape from her mouth, causing her to wince.
"What's your dad's number?" I asked.
She stared at me, but never opened her mouth. I don't have time for this shit, not right now, not today. I grabbed her chin forcefully and said, "Little girl, I am not going to ask again. Give me the number or your dad will find your remains, I'll make sure of it."
Shortly, she caved and disclosed his number.
"What are you going to do to my dad?" she asks. "For your sake, hopefully nothing if things go as planned. If not... well, why don't I just leave it to your imagination," I say, smiling sinisterly. I covered her mouth back up with tape. It took some struggle as Emelise was being a little resistant, but in the end, I succeeded. She looked frightened and I think she should be. I went back up the stairs, and when I was at the top, I turned off the lights, leaving Emelise in hollow darkness. Afterwards, I closed and locked the door. I stood in the middle of my kitchen, pulling my phone from my back pocket, and dialed his number. It was time to lure him in. I heard the phone dial, and it started to ring. The phone rang twice in my ear. I waited, giving him some time, but when I was sure he wasn't going to answer, I almost ended the call just then I heard, "Hello?" A raspy voice called through the phone. I didn't say anything right away. I just stood there, breathing heavily.
"What the hell, who is this?" Eric spoke once more on the phone. I was still silent.
"I don't have time for this shit. I'm hanging up."
"I wouldn't do that, not if I were you." I spoke up.
"What do you mean by that?"
"If you hang up now, you'll never get a chance to see your sweet little girl." I smirked.
"What the hell are you talking about? Who is this? You got two fucking seconds or I swear-"
"Listen, Eric." I said his name in pure disgust. "I'd be very careful with words here or it could end badly for you." I threatened, interrupting him.
"You don't scare me, how about you stop being a coward and tell me who you are." He growled.
"You're asking the wrong questions here, Eric. Do you not care about your daughter?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, she's been keeping me company these past few days. Not really the best company. I can't imagine how tough it must be, not knowing where she is... or who she's with."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" He asks.

"I don't see a point in lying about it, but if you need a bit more proof, then I'll just have her say hello." I said, walking to the basement door, and took out my key, unlocking it, then headed down into the basement. I put the phone on hold while I hit the switch and went down the stairs. When I was in the basement, I walked over to Emelise, who was slouched and asleep. I kneeled to her level and gently patted her face until she awoke. "Hey sleepyhead, Daddy's on the phone for ya. Why don't you say hi?" I say, tearing away the tape from one side of her mouth. Emelise screamed in pain and teared up. I took the phone off of hold and held it up to her ear, and she wasted no time shouting, "DADDY! DADDY! PLEASE, HE-" Just before she could finish, I put the tape right back in her mouth. "Baby! ba-" Eric tried calling out to Emelise, but it was too late. "Alright, that's enough chitter chatter." I say, then put the phone back in my ear. She screamed, but it was muffled by the tape, so she started up sobbing.

"Who the hell is this and where are you keeping her?! I swear to hell if this is Pete—"
"It's not." I interrupted him. 
"If this is Sebastian, I swore to you I'd have the money–"
"Wrong, guess again. You've seen me all but once, but I would say I made an impression." 
"... Wait, you're starting to sound familiar... oh my God, holy shit! It's you! You're that guy that was at Eliza's that day..." 
"Bingo." I say. 
"I knew something was off about you, I swear I fucking knew!" He sarcastically laughed, then said in a bitter tone. "You know you're a sick bastard to do something like this. Why are you even doing this?"
"For one reason and one reason only, Eliza." 
"What? What the hell does she have to do with this?" He asks. 
"A lot, actually. It's simple really, you took the woman I love from me and now I'm taking something you love away from you." I explained.
"Oh, that is bullshit!" Eric shouted. 
"No, it's getting even, which I believe in doing, so,"  
"You're seriously doing this all because of some chick? Dude, we've might've screwed around a couple of times, but she's not mine. We have only business together for the most part. Other than that, I don't give a fuck about her. You've crossed a line messing with my daughter! I am going to find you and make you regret ever–" 
"You'll do nothing, you're not exactly in any position to be making threats now, are we? Listen to me, carefully, here's what you're going to do: You're going to come straight here and you're going to come alone. If there's anyone with you, or if you tell Eliza well... you know what's going to happen to your precious girl." 
"What kind of sick game are you playing here?" 
"No games. Like I said before, I'm just getting even. I'm giving you a chance to get your daughter back and we can have a clean slate. Now, do we have an understanding?" I ask. 
"And what makes you think I'll let you live after what you've done?" 
"Like I said, I'll give you your daughter back in peace, alive and well, but that's only if you never see or talk to Eliza again."
Eric scoffed. "That's your terms?"
"That's my terms. Do you comply?" 
"... Yes." He agreed.
"Good. I'll tell you where to meet me soon. Bye for now." I said to him, then hung up. I think this is going to be interesting. 



Sorry for the long chapter, so much I had to incorporate.

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