Chapter Twelve

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(Robert is played in the image of Stephen Amell above)


"I'm so sorry, Krista, but Laura couldn't make it." I said in a fake apologetic tone while I stood in the mirror of my bathroom, straightening my bow tie. Does that sound genuine? Maybe I should try again just to be sure. I cleared my throat and furrowed my eyes in the saddest way as I rehearsed what to say. "I'm sorry, baby sister, but Laura couldn't make it. She really wanted to be here, but she just couldn't pull away from work in time. She wishes you the best of luck." I shot myself a smirk, staring at my reflection. Now that sounds more like remorse.

I've never hated such a rehearsal in my life

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I've never hated such a rehearsal in my life. It's a good thing I brought this flask of bourbon. I didn't think I'd need it, but literally I had to drink myself to death to get through this, but I couldn't any longer. I have had it. "Okay, Okay, w—we have gone over this shit like what? twenty times? H–How hard is it to have a wedding? Because I'm pretty sure a five-year-old could do this." I blurted out, my words slurring a little. I didn't care if I was out of line. This was taking up too much of my time. I was bored with it. How perfect did this have to be? It's not like they're king and queen, it's just a fucking wedding rehearsal. "Julian, knock it off!" Krista whispered. I mocked her like a child and rolled my eyes before taking another drink.

She stood hand in hand with Robert under the arch in dark denim pants and a satin, long-sleeve, white blouse with front buttons — her naturally wavy hair pulled into a high ponytail with little strands dangling on the sides. Robert, however, dressed a bit formal, black short-sleeve, collared button-down top with the same color khaki pants to match. How typical of him. Robert's family and I were seated in the guidelines — to the right side of the aisle they sat, and I, to the left of them, all by myself, on the other side. The maple-colored arch was in front of us with a bouquet of bright pink roses attached and some white cloth wrapped around it. The sun beamed directly on us and surrounded by nothing but sand, sea water, and palm trees. I admit, it was a nice setting. This would be everything if it were Eliza and me up there instead. 

(Pic of wedding venue

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(Pic of wedding venue. P.s. I do not own rights to this pic.)

I slouched in my seat and rested my head on the back of the warm wooden chair. I huffed in annoyance, seeing this same little girl throwing rice and flowers down for the fifth or tenth time. I lost count after a while. I know one thing, If I have to see this little flower girl walk down this aisle one more time, I am going to lose my shit. 

"Oh, come on, can we just call it a day already? I am starving." I shouted over the priest, causing him to stop speaking abruptly. Everyone darted their attention to me, but I ignored them. "Juli–" Krista started, but before she could get a word in, Robert spoke up. "Your sister told you to knock it off, man!" He said angrily, letting go of Krista's hand and marched over in the sand, now standing in front of me. "And so he speaks!" I grinned.
"Can you just quit acting like such a dunce and behave like an adult?"
"Rob!" Krista shouted.

I arose from my seat and stuck my silvery flask on the inside of my jacket pocket before standing directly in his face, straightening my tuxedo jacket. Robert was taller than me by a few inches, his six foot three height towering over my five foot eleven. He was a buff guy, had big broad shoulders and a muscular frame, but I didn't care. He didn't intimidate me and even if he did; I was not going to let him talk to me like shit.

"And just who the hell do you think you're talking to like that?" I growled.
He narrowed his crystal blue eyes at mine. "You." He answered in a low, deep and bitter tone, pointing a finger at my face. I chuckled before my look turned cold. My face hardened, and I stared at him menacingly. "Listen, I'm gonna give you exactly five seconds to walk the hell away, or I am gonna knock several teeth out of your mouth." I threatened.
"Am I supposed to be scared? Go ahead, I'll like to see you try." Robert Challenged, his even cut light brown hair and scruff, thick goatee blowing along in the gentle breeze.
"Hey, guys, no!" Krista shouted, stepping away from the wedding arch and rushing over to where we were standing.
"Better yet, why don't I just knock them all out?" I said sinisterly. I folded my fist and lifted it up, drawing it back, ready to land the first punch. As I was about to, a hand grab ahold of my arm, preventing me from swinging. What I think to be Robert's brother, by the resemblance they held. He ran up in a hurry to us and grabbed ahold of Robert and shoved him back while everyone remained their attention to us with shocked expressions. I looked back to see Krista tugging on my arm while I rebelled against her, trying to pull away.

"Get the fuck off of me, Krista!" I snapped.
"No, Julian!"
"Hey! Let me go, if he wants a fight, I'll going to give him one!" Robert shouted at his brother.
"No man! This is supposed to be your wedding rehearsal, don't let him win." Robert's brother yelled back.
"Fucking move!" I growled. I didn't want to hurt her, but she was asking for it.
"No! Will you, please, just stop!" She pleads.
"How about you tell him to fucking stop!"
"You don't talk to her that way!" Robert fired at me, still trying to get past his brother who wasn't letting up.
"Don't you fucking dare tell me how to talk to my fucking sister!" I spat.
"Julian, please, just let it go! Walk way!"
I let out a deep growl, blinking away the anger that boiled within me. I surrendered, dropping my fist. "Fine, I'm done."
"He's cool?!" Robert's brother shouted.
"Yeah!" She shouts. Soon after he let Robert go. Robert shoved him back after, then stormed away without a word.

Krista let out a sigh, then turned to me, stress evident on her face. "What happened to you being on your best behavior?" She asks.
"I was on my best behavior. He started it first."
"You... you just don't get it." She said. "I wanted you here to support me, not fight with my fiancé. You said you would do that. Why is it so hard for you to just be here for me?" Krista said, her voice cracking at the end and her eyes welled with tears. I laughed bitterly. "Oh yeah? And where were you when your fiancé was just in my face spouting shit to me?! You didn't defend me, you didn't even try! You just stood there!" I screamed at Krista.
"Julian, what are you talking about?! I just stopped you two from fighting! It was you who was out of line to begin with!"
"That wasn't for me, that was so I wouldn't ruin your perfect little wedding rehearsal. You don't give a damn about me!"
Krista shook her head. "That's not true, Julian, and you know that. I have always stood by you, no matter what." She told me.
"No, what I know is that you'd do anything to protect you and your precious fiancé, but not me! Your brother! The one who loves you and protects you! Do you remember that?! I've always been there for you. I protected you from Dad! I didn't stand there and let him hurt you, did I?!" I hollered. Tears were trickling down her cheeks. She wiped them away, but it didn't stop them from falling. "Don't! Don't do that to me, that's not fair!" She shouted angrily.
"You mean like what just happened to me?!"
She sighed. "Julian… please, I don't know what you want me to do. I can't choose between you and my fiancé." She stated.
"You can't or you won't?" I asked her through gritted teeth.
More tears poured from her eyes and streamed down her face. "I… I won't." She answered, dropping her gaze. "This is my life, Julian. If you can't support me, then I have no other choice."
My heart shattered into millions of pieces, it felt like. I never thought my own sister would betray me, yet somehow she did. I knew it would come down to me and him, but I thought she would choose me. I was certain we were family, but that doesn't mean a thing. Everything I have ever done means nothing to her. Tears dared to form in my eyes, waiting to spill, but I fought them back. "You know what? Since I'm such a fucking problem and an inconvenience to you, I'll go. Good luck with the rest of your wedding. Hope you two have a happily ever fucking after." I spat coldly, an emotionless expression on my face. I turned and walked away.
"Julian…" Krista's broken voice called after me, but I kept going, wiping the freshly hot tears from my eyes. 


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