Chapter Seventeen

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"Wakey, wake." I said to Emelise, sitting the bowl of cereal down in front of her. She rubbed her eyes and sleepily lifted up her head. Her eyes still were red and puffy with bags underneath them. She must've been crying. She looked at me, then down at the cereal placed in front of her. "Eat." I demanded. Her movements were slow as she reached for the bowl of cereal. The cold metal cuffs around her wrists were connected to chains, restricting her from making much movement. I slid the bowl closer to her. Her shaky hand picked up the silver spoon and scooped up some cereal before devouring it.

Three days had passed by since I'd captured her. I hadn't yet followed through with the rest of my plan. I needed to let this all die down first. This wasn't something I could just jump into. I knew this would take some time, mainly because I wanted to know who I was dealing with and how to go about this situation.

While she ate her food, I figured this would be the right time to see if she knew anything that was useful to me about her dad. I sat on the floor in front of her. She looked at me with a blank expression before taking another bite of her cereal.

"So, I'm going to ask you some very important questions and I need you to be a doll and answer them. If you cooperate, I might... reward you."
"...What do you want to know?" She asks in a quiet and raspy tone.
"Who are these men that your dad has looking after you? Do you know what other jobs they're doing?"
She placed the spoon into the empty bowl and answered with, "I-I don't know. Daddy only told me that they were his friends and really good people who will protect me."
Alright, that's not useful. Let's try another question. "Hmm... Do you know what your dad does for work?" I ask. Please give me something, anything.
"Um... he tells me he sells candy to strangers." She says, looking down.
"Candy? Like actual candy?"
"Mhm, well, at least I think so. One time I saw it inside a clear bag and they were small, white, and circle shaped. Daddy had tons of them, but when I asked for some he always said no," she replied; her voice held sadness. On the other hand, I was trying to decipher this description she gave me. Small... white, and circle-shaped... what could that be? Come on, think about it. The only thing that resembles such a description would be pills. He sells pills? Wait, no-that cannot be right. Eliza wouldn't surround herself with someone like that, would she? I had to find out what and how I was going to be the real question. I stood up and said, "Alright kid, that's all for now." I picked up the empty cereal bowl. I was just about to walk back upstairs when Emelise strained her small voice to call out to me. "Wait," I turned around to face her. "What?" I questioned, raising a brow.
"Will I ever see my dad again?" She asked with sad eyes, tears forming in them. "We'll see." I gave a short reply, then headed upstairs. The truth is, I didn't know. I have yet to think about what I am going to do with her or her dad, Eric.

Later on that day, I spent two full hours on my laptop, click after click. My fingers were beginning to cramp by now, but I pushed through it. I tried hard to dig for further information, but unfortunately didn't get as far as I hoped. This guy wasn't much consistent with his Facebook, and I wouldn't know who he sells to, so that leaves me to look for answers elsewhere. For a split second, I thought about the grandmother. If anything, she should know something. Maybe Emelise could tell me.

I shut down my laptop and placed it on my coffee table. I got up, about to walk back to the basement, when I stopped. Shit, the ice cream. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a black ceramic bowl from the cabinet. I took out a fresh tub of cookie dough ice cream from the freezer. I went out earlier to grab some. I thought this would be a good reward for Emelise. See, I can be nice. I grabbed a spoon and an ice cream scooper from the silverware drawer near my sink and began to scoop some ice cream, dropping it into the bowl. When I was done, I put the scooper in the sink and returned the ice cream to the freezer. Afterwards, I picked up the bowl and headed towards the basement. Retrieving the key from my pocket. I unlock the basement door and head downstairs with the bowl in my hand. I saw Emelise sitting with her knees up to her chest and bee head in her tiny hands as she sobbed. I approached her and sat down the bowl of ice cream in front of her. Emelise never looked at me or even moved from her position-she remained, balling her eyes out. Maybe this would cheer her up. I kneeled down to her level. "Um, hey, I bought you ice cream. Not sure what's your favorite flavor is, but hope you like it. You did good on your behalf today and I'm a man of my word, so." I say. There was a silence. I stared at her for a second or two. I'll try this again. "Hey, kiddo-" I was cut off by an ear-piercing scream. "I WANT MY DADDY!" She shouted, now sobbing hysterically as she began to kick at me. "DADDY!!"
"Hey, you stop that!" I demanded, attempting to restrain her. Now, I'm thinking I should have probably chained her legs, too. "DADDY! DADDY!" She continued. I held her legs down with a hand and a knee. My other hand covered her mouth, muffling her screams. She didn't calm down as much as I had hoped. She thrashed around, trying to break free of my grip. This little girl was a fighter. I held her in a place, but not long before I felt the pain of something hard and sharp dig into the palm of my hand. "Ouch!" I said. What the hell was that? I snatched my hand away from her mouth, and when I looked at it, I could see small teeth marks on my skin. Did this little bitch just bite me? One of her legs broke free from my grasp and she kicked the bowl of ice cream over, resulting in a huge mess. Oh, this fucking kid. I had enough. She has pissed me off. "DADDY! DA-" I cut her off with a sharp backhand to the cheek. "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled. She sobbed softly. "Please... I just want my dad..." she said. My eyes softened at the sight of her, but I didn't feel bad that I had hit her. She was acting out of control and needed to be tamed. She had gone too far, and now, I'm going to do something that I didn't think I had to. "Shh," I say, reaching for the cloth in my back pocket and pulling it out. "It's okay, it's okay," I soothed. When she was calm enough, I forced the cloth over her nose and mouth, and she screamed again; but this time it was into the cloth. She begged, and begged, but I applied more pressure with the cloth, holding it there, firmly, muffling her. "Shh... just inhale..." I whispered. She kept fighting me, trying to pull her head back, but I fought her to keep it still. I was highly annoyed and very impatient with her at this point. "Come on, inhale, dammit!" I shouted at her, still holding the cloth to her face. After a few minutes, I noticed her body went limp and her eyes were nearly closed. Finally, it was kicking in. I held the cloth a little longer until I was sure she was out. I removed the cloth and gently laid her down. I sighed, highly frustrated. Well, that didn't go as planned.


So, I have mixed feelings about this chapter, but everything that happened was necessary overall. Next chapter, Eric finds out! Are you all ready?

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