Chapter Six

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I stuck the shovel deep into the dirt, pulling up another full pile and tossing it to the side with the rest that had been dug up. Beads of sweat trickled down my face. I stopped for a minute or two, catching my breath. I stared into the huge hole I'd created. I'd hope it was deep enough for two bodies to fit because I couldn't take another second of this. It was already some time around two in the morning. It didn't help that my back ached and my arms felt like jello but I knew I had to finish what I'd started. The hard part was over, anyway. I tossed the shovel aside, satisfied with the work I've put in. I grabbed ahold of Cheryl's lifeless arms, dragging her body to the rectangle-sized hole, once I had her close enough, I carelessly let go of her arms, they and gave one big push to her body, watching her roll over into the hole, landing harshly on the soft bed of fresh soil. Afterwards, I grabbed the handles of the duffle bag that held the foul smell of Laura's decaying body. I held my breath as I dropped it into the ground, right on top of her sister. I covered them up, patting the dirt on top to blend it in along with the rest of the ground. I picked up the shovel and moved around the dirt, covering my footprints as I left the trail, making my way back to my car.

When I got back to the parking lot. I'd remembered Cheryl's car was still parked there. I didn't know what to do about it. I knew it wouldn't be smart for me to drive it. I walked over to my car, putting my shovel inside, on the backseat. Afterwards, I shut the door, then went over to her vehicle. I inspected the area around it, looking for something heavy and solid. A glimmer of light lit up in my eyes when I spotted a sturdy, golf size rock just a few feet away. I picked up the rock, holding it with a good grip in my hand, approaching her backside window, on the left. I lifted my hand up and in one, swift motion, I threw the rock with as much strength I could muster onto the window, then stood back a bit and just as I hoped, tiny shards of glass scattered all around. Unfortunately, I didn't think of the car alarm as much as I should've because it immediately sounded off and the tail lights, both end and rear began to flash nonstop. I hurriedly picked up a small, thick piece of glass and went around the car popping each of the four tires. A sound that nearly resembles a cat when it hisses went off, once I succeeded in what I did, I tossed the glass somewhere onto the ground, scattering to my car. I didn't stop to check my surroundings and maybe I should've, but I was more focused on getting the hell out of there without being noticed and that's just what I did.

It was almost the crack of dawn when I arrived back home. I couldn't wait to be in the comforts of my bed sheets, given the night I just had. I wanted to feel a sense of normalcy again. I entered my home, shutting the door and locking it behind me. I turned on the lamp in the corner of my living room and sat on the edge of the sofa cushion. I exhaled an exhausted sigh as I took off my gloves, laying them beside me. I dug into my pants pockets, retrieving the the items I'd collected from Cheryl like her phone and the gun along with the shell casings to the bullets she fired. I was extremely lucky to find those. I placed the items onto my soft, light hardwood coffee table. In that very moment, realization sat in as I stared at everything and fully processed what I'd done. I killed not only one, but two people just a couple of weeks apart. I knew going down this path wasn't going to be the easiest and I had no idea if I was capable of coming back from this or if would it change me, completely? Does this make me a killer, now? I didn't exactly enjoy what I did but I don't think I had another choice.

It didn't matter. None of this mattered. I made a choice and it's done. I just have to put this all behind me and to hope I never have to face any of the consequences. If I covered my tracks properly, I shouldn't have to.

You can do this, Julian. Pull it together.

You don't have an option now.

I just need some sleep.

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