Chapter Thirty · Nine

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The next morning, I felt brutally  awoken by my phone's alarm ringing. My eyebrows knitted themselves together as I stirred around in bed. An annoyed and tired groan escaped from my lips. I refused to open my eyes just yet, I just needed a little more rest, so I buried my head into my pillow, hoping to drown out its loudness, but to my dismay, I could very much still hear it. In fact, it seemed more louder than before. I heavily sighed in defeat. I rolled over onto my back, finally allowing my eyes to peek through its lids, then extended an arm out to my bedside table for my phone. I grabbed it and quickly swiped the snooze button, shutting off that ridiculous sound. My ears instantly feeling better in the silence.

I glanced at the notifications on my phone and seen that I had a few missed alarms, a missed call and a text from Eliza, that was sent over twenty minutes ago. As the thought of time grapples my attention, I checked the clock and when I did, I nearly jumped out of bed as I realized that I had well overslept. It was almost half past eleven o'clock. The wedding was in less than four hours from now.

I rushed to the bathroom and began my morning routine which was usually a shower, brushing my teeth, and well, you get the point. The normal human stuff.

After my shower, I stood at the sink in my bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel below. I stared into the half fogged mirror and shaved the small stubble off of my face.  While i did this, my mind, of course, went to Eliza. Specifically, her text. I wondered what she said.  The curiosity of it all started to pick away at me and finally, I caved. I sat my razor on the side of the sink, then picked up my phone. I went to her message and tapped on the conversation. I began to read her message to myself, the little voice in my head saying the words in her tone. "Hey Julian, I wanted to talk about last night. Can you call me when you get this message, please? Thanks."

 I smiled soon appeared on my face after I read it. I knew she'd come around. 

My eyes glanced over at the clock again, seeing it was a quarter til one. I sat my phone down before picking back up my razor and running it underneath warm water, washing the tiny hair pieces from the blades, then I went back to shaving.

This time, my mind drifted off to my sister's wedding and how I still needed a date to accompany me. If Eliza wanted to talk and hopefully fix things, then I could have a last-minute date. I knew I couldn't just show up alone, knowing Krista, she would not let the Laura thing go and I couldn't keep lying to her. It was getting too difficult for me. I just wanted to be done with it. So, hopefully if I could bring Eliza, then it would put things more into perspective for her that Laura and I are over because the truth of the matter is we are. I moved on and not to be an insensitive asshole here, but... we technically both have.

I decided to not call her like she asked. Instead, I'll show up to her doorstep. Confrontation is always the better approach in any situation. At least it's what I think.

More time had passed. It was just a little after two in the afternoon, and by now I am dressed in my suit, freshly groomed and styled. I felt like a new man.

I left my house and headed straight over to Eliza's. When I arrived at her place, I slowed down, easing my foot onto the brake and pulled into her driveway, parking my car. I shut off the engine, then I took the key out of the ignition and left the car. I then began walking up to the door. There I climbed up the small steps to her porch, then reached the door where I knocked and waited for her. The knob twisted, and the door swung open. 

"Julian?" Eliza said in question as she stood there in a black, spaghetti strapped tank top and dark gray shorts with messy hair. Her eyebrows raised. She seemed surprised by my unannounced presence. 

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