Chapter Five

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I sat in the cushioned leather seat of my metallic gray mustang. I'd been here a while. Somewhere between I lost track of time, just watching her through the dark tint of my window. She was effortlessly sexy. It didn't take much for her beauty to blossom; she was a natural. Her chocolate loose waves pinned into a top messy bun. The hairstyle was so simple but yet it complimented her cordate, pallid face perfectly. Her skin was flawless, the way it glowed in the sunlight. I bet it was soft to touch. Oh, I wish I could feel it. She seemed content and comfortable sitting on the porch in a summery floral knee-high dress, its spaghetti strings, rested upon her bare shoulders. Her long legs outstretched, one crossed over the other. She'd been occupied by her cellphone for a bit of time. Completely oblivious of me admiring her and I loved it. I can't help but feel a spark between us. I sensed it that night. I wondered if she felt it, too? I sighed. I should go before someone's suspicious of me. I have to finish what I started and then after, when the time is right I'll be with her. See you soon, Eliza.

I returned home sooner than expected.

On the drive back, I had some time to think and plot on getting rid of Cheryl. I hadn't plotted to kill her unless it comes to it, but I just need her to be scared off.

I couldn't have her snooping around, constantly looking for answers about her sister. I didn't think she was smart enough to find out what I did to Laura, but for my sake, I can't take that risk to let her. I created a plan that would get Cheryl's attention, however; I had to wait for the night to fall. It gave me time to set up, but more importantly, I still needed to get rid of Laura's body.

I'd left her in that duffle bag for a few days now. The rotten odor was seeping out from the barriers of the bag. I had no grand plan for this in mind at all. I knew I couldn't just move her out of here in broad daylight without causing some sort of attention.

I heavily sighed. I was way in over my head with this one.

Later on. I sat up from the awkward position I was in on the sofa. I looked around the room, still feeling groggy and my eyes adjusting to the dark. I hadn't realized I dozed off. The night had already crept its way up to me. Its darkness surrounded me except for the smidge of light left pouring through the blinds of my living room. I got up and went into my bedroom, stopping by the bathroom along the way. I flipped on the lightswitch and turned on the faucet. I put my hand underneath the cool, running water before scooping a small amount into the palm of my hand and splashing it directly onto my face. I did the same thing once more, then shut off the water and stared back at my reflection in the mirror. Tiny bags sat underneath my piercing, aquatic blue eyes. My short, coppery, straight hair was a bit of a mess, which I flattened down to a much neater look.

Other than that, I appeared fine. I looked normal although I felt far from that, and so was my life, but once this was all over, maybe everything could be again.

I hit the switch off as I left the bathroom, then entered my room. I went into the closet and picked out a bulky jet black jacket. I mentally prepared myself for what's to come. I turned and check the clock on my nightstand: 9:35pm. Shit, I had to get going.

Thanks to Laura, I knew exactly where her sister worked. She served as a server in a small brown, bricked  restaurant near downtown. It was popular but never crowded usually.

Laura used to come to this place pretty often. It was her favorite. She loved the rustic modern setting of the inside and the food was always the best to her. We used to come here together. It wasn't my favorite, but her happiness was. I stopped by myself a couple of weeks ago after our breakup. I just felt drawn to it after losing Laura. I had this need to still be connected to her and happened to notice Cheryl leaving from here. She dressed up in a professional attire, slacks and a buttoned up blouse. I became curious I'd never saw her on this side of town unless it was for Laura. I spied on her a little while and discovered she got a job here. Since then, I've wondered if she took the job to see if she would see her sister again.

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