Chapter Eight

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We continued to stare into each other's eyes for a moment. Eliza then cleared her throat, breaking the silence between us. She regained her balance—her cheeks lit up a rosy pink as she started to speak. "Um, oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn't see where I was going, well clearly because I bumped into you, but--"
A laugh erupted from me. She paused in mid-sentence. Gosh, she was so cute. I couldn't help but laugh because she's just so innocent, beyond perfect.
"It's okay, just relax," I said politely and calmly. Eliza took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders, then said, "Thank you for not being upset, I just–hey, don't I know you from somewhere? She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
I was just about to speak when she spoke once more. "Wait, don't answer... You're um, that guy from the alley, right?" She questioned furthermore as she snapped her fingers, desperately trying to remember. I'm not gonna lie. I was a little disappointed that she didn't remember me. I felt I had left an impression that night, but maybe I need to come on a little stronger. I'll play your game, Eliza. "Woah, ouch! That guy just so happened to have saved you, you could've at least remember that guy's name." I say jokingly, with slight truth to it. She giggled, shooting me a smile while she nodded her head.
"No, no, you're totally right. I'm sorry, um, it's just that I'm really bad with names." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear."
"Ahh. It's okay, don't worry about it. It's Julian, and you're Eliza." I felt my heart skip a beat when her name rolled off my tongue. It felt so right.
"Right, yes. At least you remembered me."
Is she kidding? I mean, how could I not?

"Well, Julian, you seemed to be saving me a lot lately. I think you just might be my hero."
"Wait, hold on, did you say might? Because I kind of already thought I was." I joked. She chuckled before bending down to pick up her phone. "Ugh, dammit! I cracked the screen. Can you believe this is the fifth time I've cracked it this week?" She said in frustration, letting out a deep sigh after. Even when upset, she's still beautiful.
"Why don't I get this fixed for you?" I offered. She shook her head. "No... I can't let you do that for me. I owe you for saving me twice now, actually."
"Well, then, how about I buy you coffee instead?"
"But how does that help when I owe you?" She asks.
"Well, you could spend the rest of this evening with me, in which would be repaying me, by the way. Then letting me buy you coffee is just a bonus." I explained, smirking after. Since I had the advantage here, I had to use it to have her spend the rest of the day with me. I wanted nothing more than to have my ears filled with her sweet laughter and her angelic voice. I wanted to feel her touch and stare into her gorgeous eyes forever. I need to have her. I have to.
"You're very persistent, aren't you?"
"I could be, or maybe I just like getting what I want."
I examined her as she bit her lip. Say yes, it's just one word, one word that means everything from you. "Alright Julian, I'll take you up on your offer since I can't come up with anything better to repay you with."
I smiled before stepping aside and gesturing her to walk ahead of me. "You lead the way."
"Okay," said Eliza. "But just to be clear, I do not owe you for the coffee," she added, pointing a finger at me.
"Of course not. It's my pleasure."
"Alright then."
Eliza and I had spent the rest of the day together, getting to know some things about each other. More so her, than me. I want her to know me and she will, but right now, I wanted to know every detail about her.

"Thank you for taking me home. You really didn't have to." She said to me, sitting in the passenger seat.
"No need to thank me, I insisted. I mean, what kind of guy would I be to let you walk home in the dark, all by yourself?" I asked, driving. A very bad one and that's not me. She chuckled. " Alright then, I rest my case."
There was a long silence between us. I stole a glance in her direction, seeing her leaned back in the seat, staring out into the window. I could look at her for hours. I turned my attention back to the road, not wanting her to catch me in the act. It was peaceful, the moment was just right and then the sound of a high-pitched ringtone, a very annoying one, might I add, disrupted it. So much for enjoying the moment. "Ugh, not this guy," said Eliza in annoyance. A slight frown fell upon my face. Many questions flooded my brain. Guy? What guy? More importantly, what is he doing with your number? I eyed her from the corner of my eye, watching as she answers the phone.
"Hi, Eric." She says. Eric, huh? Who's Eric? You didn't mention any boyfriend or anything, so who could that be? I listened in to her conversation closely, even trying to pick up the voice from the other end.
"Look, I'm on my way home. I'll be there in about five minutes. Can you wait until then, please?"
Hm, they were meeting at her house? I didn't like the thought of another guy being around my girl, especially not one I wasn't aware of. What pisses me off is the fact I cannot hear what he is saying.
"Okay, okay. I got it. See you soon." She ended the call and throwing the phone down onto her lap, exhaling a long sigh.
"Everything alright?"
"Just problems after problems, it's nothing, don't worry." She answered. I get the feeling that there's more to what she's saying, but I won't push. I'll find out myself, instead.
"Anything I can do?"
"You're such a gentleman, Julian, but no, unfortunately. I'll be fine though." She reassured me. I wasn't at all convinced, but I took her word for it.
"Well, in case you're not and there is something I can do, why don't I give you my number?" I offer, pulling up in the front of her house and parked.
"Mm. Okay, sure." She agreed and handed me her phone. I was pleased she took my offer. I grabbed the phone and placed my number inside, then handed it back to her. "There you go, all set."
"Great, thank you for everything again. I'll see you around?"
"See you." I say.

After we said our goodbyes, she got out of the car and walked to her door. I watched her and when she made it inside. I started the car and drove off. Everything was going the way it should be, up until now, because now we have another problem. I had to get to the bottom of this guy, Eric, and the kind of connection he had to Eliza.


New character! I will be showing a pic of Eric maybe in the next chapter and I'll also post one of Robert as well.

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