Stiles noticed Adaline's discomfort and finally broke off, "Okay, okay, okay! Look, I...." He couldn't seem to find the words. He wasn't sure exactly what to say. He had to figure something out. Anything to save her life. "I think Derek knew he was going to get caught."

"By the Agrents?"

"Yeah...." His mind was choas, trying to put everything together. "When he was shot, I think he took Scott's phone. Scott couldn't find it anywhere today."

"Why would he take his phone?"

"Scott has if Derek still has it...and it's still can find him."

"It hurts," Adaline whimpered through her teeth. That's when she couldn't take it anymore. "My neck is burning!" She screamed and sobbed violently, finally breaking through the last of the darkness, her eyes fluttering open. She couldn't see Stiles' face, something dark and warm was clouding her eyes. Why couldn't they see the fire and put it out? Her body was burning.

Stiles' voice was frightened. "Adaline?!" He called out to her. She cried as it burned her, her hands balled into fists, her nails digging into her palms.

"You're coming with me to help me find Derek." Peter grabbed onto Stiles' arms but he refused, pulling it back.

He was finally able to put Adaline's trembling body in his arms. He didn't care if his white button down shirt would stain him with her blood. "No, I'm...not just letting you leave them here!"

Adaline writhed in the grip of the fiery torture, the movement of Stiles holding on to her making the pain in her body flare sickeningly. She screamed in agony, realizing her eyes were closed again. She opened them, desperate to find his face.

Peter pulled a napkin out of no where and wiped Lydias blood from his mouth, "You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me."

Stiles began to shed tears as he cried out, "JUST KILL ME! I don't care anymore! You can kill me...just save both of them..." His eyes went back to Adaline's almost limp body, "Save her."

Peter casually shrugged his shoulders, "If the venom reaches her system, she'll heal."

Stiles couldn't comprehend what was going on with Adaline. Lydia was unconscious, as Adaline's body shook in absolute pain. Something was wrong. "Was that guy not like you? What was he?!"

"The only thing you have to know is that she'll heal." He repeated the words carefully once more to get to his head. "Call Jackson. Tell him where they are. That's all you get."

Stiles' face was drawn. His eyes of doubt were suddenly replaced with a blazing determination. His jaw tightened as he breathed hard through his nose and quickly pulled out his phone with his trembling hands.

Then, slowly, Adaline's writhing calmed as her body grew more and more numb. The fire was dulling, focusing into an ever-smaller point. She felt her consciousness slipping as the pain subsided. She was afraid to fall into the black waters again, afraid she would him in the darkness.


Once the elevator opened, Stiles hurriedly sprinted to where Adaline was resting in the hospital. Before he could even catch a glimpse of her, his father abruptly stopped him on his tracks, grabbing him by the arms. For a split second, Stiles thought he grabbed him because he noticed his blood drenched shirt, but luckily Stiles changed into an extra he had in his jeep.

"You know what? It's good we're in the hospital, because i'm gonna kill you!" Mr. Stilinski threatened.

Stiles heaved for air as beads of sweat dropped down his red flushed face, "I'm...i'm sorry. I lost the keys to my jeep. I had to run all the way—"

"I don't care!" He shouted loudly, cutting him off.

Stiles shook impatiently, desperately wanting to go find her, "Are they gonna be okay? Is she gonna be okay?" His voice cracked as tears threatened to take over him.

His dad sighed, knowing that Stiles was looking for Adaline. He himself was worried for her as well. Once he saw Adaline being taken in by medical professionals, he just couldn't believe it. "They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. With both of them. Lydia seems to be doing fine. She's resting. But with Adaline...."

Once Stiles heard the uncertainty laced in his dads voice, he knew he was going to loose it. He felt as if he was in a nightmare. He constantly pinched himself, hoping he'd wake up.

"She lost a lot of blood from the bite on her throat but....there's something else going on with her."

Stiles anxiously rubbed his pale face with his hands and stammered, "What do you mean?!"

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. They couldn't really find anything that is causing her to react so strangely...but her body keeps going into shock."

Stiles couldn't loose her. He just couldn't. He loved her and if she were to die, he'd literally go out of his freaking mind. His breath hitched. He knew he needed to sit down before he'd pass out.

That was until his dad spoke again, "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who...or what attacked them? Especially Adaline?"

Stiles stared straight at him, wanting to tell him everything but he proceeded to quickly shake his head, "No. No, I have no idea."

"What about Scott?"

"What do you mean? What about him?" Stiles questioned.

His dad asked once more, "Did he see anything?"

Stiles' eyes widened in confusion, wondering why he didn't hear the news about Adaline. "What do you—is he not here?!"

"What are you talking about? I've been calling him on his cellphone to let him know about his sister. I've gotten no response."

That's when he remembered that Derek still had Scott's phone where ever he was, "Yeah, you're not gonna get one."


{a week later} season 2 sneak peek

Scott and Stiles managed to sneak their way into Adaline's room, where she laid still, her complexion pale. They both gawked at her, especially Stiles, who hoped she'd wake up anytime soon. He already knew he'd stay there with her till she did, so he'd be the first person she'd see when she awakes.

Both knowing that both Adaline and Lydia were bitten, they checked up on Lydia first, not exactly sure what she was. She wasn't healing at all, confirming she wasn't a werewolf.

Adaline is what worried and perplexed them the most. Stiles remembered seeing the guy that hurt her Peter obviously hinting that he wasn't a werewolf after all. That wasn't a good sign.

Scott proceeded to carefully lift up the bandage on Adaline's neck, which revealed healed skin. No bite whatsoever.

Scott worriedly looked back at his best friend and gulped, "If she's healed...and that guy wasn't like Peter then—"

"Then what the hell is she?" Stiles whispered himself...watching over the girl he loved, now something that he hoped he wouldn't fear of.


CONTINUED (next chapter)


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