Never let me go part 1

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Juvia had enough.

Her big blue eyes were tearing up as she gazed into the ballroom, seeing Gray shamelessly enjoying himself after stomping on her heart.

She had asked him for a dance, trying her best to come over as beautiful as she could be in her blue frilly dress, her cheeks tinted with a small blush as she spoke

Gray had given her a clear cut reaction, one that made Juvia want to cry that is.

"Not now. I'd prefer for you to just stay away from me. You have been getting on my nerves for a while now and I have decided it was time for me to be honest to myself and say whenever there is something I don't like." He growled, rolling his eyes at her behaviour before turning away, giving a heartbroken watermage the cold shoulder before meeting up with a cheerfull Erza that was calling him over.

Juvia said nothing, surprising Gray slighty, but the ice mage just shrugged and went on about his day, leaving her alone in the middle of the dancefloor.

Her lip was trembling, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes as she lowered her head in shame, hearing the shameless whispers about her comming from all sides.

She was a show, a sight to behold with her shaking body and soft whimpers, entertaining people.

Gray didn't even look at her after that, minding his business as he left Juvia alone without even asking her if she was okay despite being told by several people that Juvia had been very upset.

"If Gray-sama doesn't like Juvia.. Juvia should just give up.." the watermage whispered to herself, accepting a glass of wine from the waitress next to her.

It took Juvia a while to sense that she was getting light in the head, her fingers began to tingle, her legs began to wobble, leaving her to wonder how much wine glasses she had drank.

She steadied herself, nearly tripping on her heels as she struggled to move forward, not wanting to stay at the party much longer as she was nothing but a nuissance to the other mages.

"Juvia? Are you okay..?" Mirajane asked her sweetly, walking up to support her blue haired friend, but Juvia wasn't in the mood for pity and quickly pulled her arm out of the white haired maiden's grasp.

"J-Juvia's fine! Juvia's fine!" The bluenette reassured, rushing away from her friend who just stared after her with a worried expression written on her face as she watched the watermage leave the ballroom.

Mira quickly turned around to find her friends, her mind screaming at her to follow Juvia into the night, but something told her that maybe a better friend of her's could help her in a time like this.

Her eyes landed on Lucy which was happily chatting away with Gray, both enjoying some wine and not minding the tension Mirajane was feeling in the air.

She figured they were probably her best shot and rushed to their side, her arrival catching their attention as they turned to greet her.

"Hey Mira! Are you enjoying the party?" Lucy chirped happily, grabbing her hand in a loving way which made Mira smile softly.

"Well.. y-yes.. but there is something I need to talk to you about."

Lucy's smile faded as she gave her friend a concerned stare, Gray following her lead as he put aside their glasses and went to walk up, showing her his interest.

"I just saw Juvia leave.. she's very tipsy.." Mirajane admitted causing Lucy's eyes to widen in horror.

"You let her leave when she's drunk?! Mira! You know how dangerous the road back to fairy hills is for a lady, especially at this time of night and having to go a long way!!"

Gray frowned, searching around the room to see if Mira was putting a prank on them to make him feel bad, but when he couldn't find the blue haired watermage, his body began to burn with adrenaline.

"Tell me that's a joke. She's fine right? She's here somewhere, probably stalking me from afar or something!" Gray said quickly, loosening his tie as he cleared his throat.

"I'm not joking.. she's gone home."


Juvia wobbled over the empty streets of Magnolia, her hat held tightly in her hand as she breathed harshly, trying to get as much air inside her as she could.

Her vision was blurry, her body swaying from left to right, an occasional hiccup giving away her location to possible predators, which had been waiting for an oppurtunity like this to come forth.

"Hello there.."

Juvia gasped and stopped, not sure who had been talking to her, squinting her eyes to see a faint ray of blonde hair in the shadows.

"Is someone there..?" Juvia cried, trying to hold her balance.

A sinister laugh send shivers up and down her spine, making Juvia slightly sober up, her heath thumping loudly in her chest as she saw the man inch closer and closer.

"Where did you come from, pretty fairy?" The man whispered, circling her like an animal with it's prey, his eyes undressing her in front of him whilst all Juvia could do was tremble in fear.

"Juvia will not ever tell! Water slicer!" Juvia yelled, trying her best to attack her stalker, but her tipsyness made her water magic fail and Juvia was left without any form of defense.

She screamed when she felt his hand onto her waist, pulling her closer as his other hand muffled her screams, holding her in place as she cried out into the night.

"Doesn't matter anyway.. it only matters where you're going now."

He forced her into the shady alleyway, dragging her after him without alerting the sleeping residents as he prepared himself for a devious act on the helpless watermage.


Team Natsu had dashed out of the castle, running over the rocky path that Juvia had taken not too long ago.

Soon all the mages had learned about Fairy Tail's watermage, many had offered to help and find her, others had suggested to call out to autorities to start a search or to make them look out, but team Natsu had already made up their mind, running into the night with fire in their hearts.

"What's it with her drinking and leaving anyway? That doesn't seem like her at all.." Natsu asked, sprinting up to Lucy who frowned at his question.

"I agree on that.. i'm worried for her.."

Gray bit his cheek as he ran, finding his heart clenching with worry.

He had asked her to stay away, finding himself suffering from nightmares as he watched himself die by the dragons for her over and over again.

He wanted to stay away from her, finding it hard to be around her without feeling either worried or sickish.

He needed time to think, not wanting to see her in danger anymore.

Not knowing that by pushing him away.. he had pushed her into the arms of danger.

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