My sunshine part 4

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The icy wind was blazing over the battlefield.
It was cold, cold enough to make the ice mage shiver.
His eyes were like the flames of hell, his body partly as black as the color of death itself.

Gray was furious.
He was enraged.
He was lost.

He roared into the wind he was creating, shaking the remainder of his enemies which all trembled in fear.
Some had tried to flee only to turn into ice statues the moment Gray saw them, others stood in horror.

Arlock was on his knees, smiling from ear to ear at the destructive Gray who to him resembled a god, a demon created by Zeref, an angel send to help them purify this world.

The man prayed to Gray, wished for him to help him in his mission of worshipping, but the ice mage had none of it.

"We misinterpretended your capabilities, my lord! Please join us in our purification, the world will quiver before you! Zeref will thank you!"

Gray looked at Arlock, his gaze not showing remorse.
His arm rose to his aim, having Arlock to widen his eyes in confusion.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you discusting whore."

Arlock's glee was replaced with shock, his words not reaching out to the demon in front of him.
Gray was a mindless monster.

"You did something monstrous.. you took her away from me!" Gray roared angrilly, slamming his fists onto the ground to send a massive iced geyser into Arlock's direction, the man barely able to dodge it.

Arlock coughed in the mist that rose from Gray's attack, his head frantically moving from left to right to find his attacker, worry growing when he couldn't.

His cold pressance revealed itself behind Arlock, an icy grasp on his shoulder making him want to scream for help.

"Anyone that dares to take my sunshine.. will face the darkness of hell by my hands.."

He pushed Arlock into the floor, blood flowing over the man's lips as his chin crashed into the surface, his horrified eyes gazing into Gray's demonic ones.

"We'll give you whatever you desire! P-please, please help us worship Zeref and please him with the ritual-"

"Shut up.."

"We'll find you another girl! You can have Briar or anyone you desire! Please ju-"


Gray's fists pounded hardly onto Arlock's back, his team's screams fading away into nothingness as his vision turned black.

Murder on his mind.

Mary's corpse was still bleeding close by, and there was more to follow, knowing the ice mage was out for revenge, revenge for having the light of his life murdered.

He remembered the coldness of her skin, the blue tint in her usual pink lips, the warm blood soaking his clothes, the way her heartbeat was nowhere to be found..

He screamed an agonizing scream, finishing Arlock with a mighty snap of the neck, but he didn't feel the statisfaction he sought. He didn't get what he wanted.


"Gray! Stop it please! You aren't like this!!" Natsu pleaded over the storm, trying to reach his friend, but the blizzard surrounding them was blinding, and the dragonslayer had a hard time standing tall.

"Gray, it's going to be okay!" Lucy tried to reassure, feeling herself slip away as a thic layer of snow formed underneath their feet.

The mages struggeld to stand in the blizzard, in the middle of it all stood Gray whose eyes weren't any less red, his body tainted black, his teeth bared as tears rolled off his cheeks and into the wind.

Gruvia one-shots and lemonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें