She's mine part 1

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Warning! This is a lemon story. Please continue if you aren't looking forward to sexual tinted scenes, cursewords, abuse and much more. You have been warned.

It was dark outside of the Avatar hide out.
Not a single ray of light revealing itself from between the dark and thic clouds that hovered above the forrest, which was strange, given the fact that it was suppossed to be a sunny day..

Gray stood in front of his colorful prisoners, his arms crossed and red eyes glaring at them like they have been nothing but a pest. His eye brows narrowed in anger and he showed them a face full of something they could only describe as disgust.

"Gray! Come to your senses! This isn't you!" His salmon haired friend roared in both anger as well as sadness, sweat dripping down his reddened face.
He had been struggling to break free from the chains which were holding him down, his body aching from the many attempts he tried.

Gray said nothing as he just watched them squirm before him. The cell they were in was ice cold and both of them had been locked away in a rather uncomfortable position.

The blonde mage squeeked softly when plopping down on the icy floor after having failed yet another attempt to break free. Her keys were thrown away into a far corner of the room, one neither Natsu, Lucy nor Happy could reach, and the mages began to doubt if there was anything they could do to free themselves.

Lucy gasped when hearing Gray's footsteps comming closer, his pace a nervewrecking slow until it finally stopped.

Her eyes were focussed on the floor, and yet she knew he was standing right behind her, his eyes piercing through her like a knife.

"Get away from her!" Natsu snapped at his former comrade, but he gained no reaction which caused his body to fill up with fear, fear for what was to come.

Gray forcefully grabbed a hand full of her blonde locks, pulling her up to face him, his red eyes staring at her like she could fall dead any moment.

Lucy shook, her eyes watering yet her eyebrows remained furrowed into a mighty glare.
She wouldn't let him live down his betrayal, nor did she have the intention of going down by his hands, she was afraid, but still ready to fight.

"" Gray questioned her in a whisper, one which was so unspeakably low it made Lucy wonder if he actually spoke frozen words.

"I'm your friend.. we are your friends!"

Gray gave them all a good look, his confusion to be clearly seen on his face and after what seemed like a few minutes he returned all of his attention back to Lucy, grabbing her hairs with much more force whilst his other hand found it's way over to her neck.

She gasped for air, desperately trying to suck in every amount she could whilst her vision began to fade, the force he was putting on her was almost supernatural.

"Then why don't I recall any of you."

His hand clasped on her harder and harder, her skin began to grow a diffrent shade and Natsu's cries for her echooed throughout the ice cold cell but Gray didn't stop.

He didn't intend to stop.

"Gray please! Stop! Stop!" Natsu roared, tears forming in his eyes when Lucy's gasps began to weaken, her eyes ready to roll into the back of her head whilst her usual perfected and fair skin remained purple.

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