My sunshine part 2

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The battle was raging.

Warriors falling to the floor as they one by one got beaten by the strongest team of fairy tail.

In the lead stood the two men which went all out together after a long time of being seperated.
Behind them stood Lucy and Wendy who both showed them just how well they have been training and somewhere among it all stood Erza who'se skills were not to measure with the others, as she was very overpowered.

They stood proud, tall and heavy, not breaking a single sweat.

Victory was near.

Arlock coughed as Natsu's punch took a lot on him.
He struggled to keep himself up, his eyes glaring into Gray's as the ice mage showed him a cocky grin.

"Don't act so cocky.." Arlock warned with a mischievious grin causing Erza's hairs to rise, Gray however didn't think much off it and leaned down, his smile as of painted on his lips, not moving even when he spoke.

"Give it up Arlock, you are outnumbered, Avatar was no match for fairy tail. This smirk is rightfully mine."

Arlock laughed a sinister laugh, not even going against Gray's words as he looked at a little something he had clutched in his hands, gaining more of Erza's interest as well as Natsu's and Lucy's.

"Oh you are so right. We are no match for you, but lucky for us, not all fairies will dance tonight."

Gray raised his eyebrow. Trying to find out what the madman had been speculating on when Arlock opened his hand and threw it in Gray's face.

Blue, it was blue.

Blue with stains Gray didn't know came from him, his enemy or the owner of the lock of hair he now had in his hands.

His whole being was shaking, he wasn't understanding what he was seeing.

There was no doubt in his mind that this lock of hair was her's, her scent was even lingering on it, the color was so identical to her blue, the length even so.

"Where did you get this.." Gray growled lowly as he looked at Arlock who just smiled, a cocky grin if you may.

"Mary found a hidden gem in the forrest. A treasure maybe even.."

Mary giggled at the mentioning of her encounter and she stepped up, another lock of blue in her hands, tugged and toyed in between her fingers as she spoke .

"We knew you could betray us.. we had our doubts you know." Mary whispered.

"We needed to figure out where you were the last days before you joined us." Briar spoke with a smile, also holding a lock of hair against her face.

"We came across something very interesting.." Abel giggled, ripping apart the lock he held.

"You lived with a woman. A fairy, maybe even an angel as she was so so wonderful, so sweet and strong." Jerome stated.

"Which is why, we decided to take her!" Mary said in a as-a-matter-of-fact way, her smile even wider than before, her glistening eyes shut in a pleasant way.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Gray roared, and the rest of his team soon figured out who the mystery guest had been.

"N-no.." Lucy whispered, her body visibly shaking and her eyes tearing up.

"Don't let them go to your head!" Erza warned, biting back an attack to the members of Avatar who claimed to have hurt her friend.

"What the fuck did you do?! What the fuck did you do to Juvia?!?" The ice mage snapped once again, gripping onto the lock of hair he held in his hands as he waited for an answer.

"Ohh lovelies?? Could you show Gray-sama our, masterpiece?" Mary called out in the back, and that's when Gray's nightmare began.

She was crucified, her hairs were trimmed on several spots, leaving only a few of her long curls alive, her body was covered in scars, wounds and blood, her eyes were closed, her mouth lightly agape, her lips were a little blue and her skin was snowwhite..

"Ahh! So pretty!!" Mary said as she jumped up and down, clapping in her hands as she eyed her masterpiece.

Gray felt as if time stood still.

She wasn't in the bed he had left her anymore.
She wasn't smiling anymore.
She wasn't giggling at his stupid jokes anymore.
She wasn't.. breathing anymore..

His bloodstained necklace still hung tightly against her chest, her ripped clothes making it fall against her bare skin, like a reminder of his actions.

It was his fault.. that she was suffering.

"OH MY GOD!" Lucy screamed as Erza covered Wendy's eyes, shouting all sorts of curses at the members of Avatar whilst Natsu lunged for them.

The moment the dragonslayer reached their side, he was forced to stop, a long lance was aimed for Juvia's chest, Mary's hand held high to give them the signal if she needed to.

Natsu stood as if nailed to the ground, his breathing nearly panting, his teeth bared in anger.

"One more step and we'll end her life.." Arlock warned, ordering the men that held the cross to stab her in the foot, a soft cry escaping her lips, her lifeless eyes slowly opening to let a few tears out until the dagger was removed.

"She's...she's alive.." Gray whispered as he watched her sob in pain, her whole body was wrecked and havened, Gray's body felt the same from seeing her.

"Ofcourse you silly!! We won't unnessecarilly kill. Not unless we don't get what we want.."

Team Natsu stood in horror, waiting for the demands to be listed, everything was fine for the ice mage, as long as they let go of Juvia so she could rest in his arms.

"What are your demands." Erza growled, slowly stepping forward to face Arlock who'se smile only grew wider.

"Join us."


"Join us, Fairy Tail! Join us in the purification and live life to the fullest as a member of Zeref's loyals.
Join us and you'll have your precious Juvia back into your very arms, alive."

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