Dragon's dance part 2

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The moment Juvia walked out of the pub, her pride and her heart sank low, making her sniffle softly.

She didn't want any of this to happen! She just wanted to make Gray swoon! But for some reason he seemed incredibly mad at watching her dance, almost like he hated every part of it, and Juvia began to wonder if he hated her.

"Gray-sama... Gray-sama.." Juvia whispered, walking over the dark streers at night, her tears flowing softly.

"Juvia.. it's going to be okay." Levy reassured her, patting her friend on the back.

Levy noticed Juvia forgot to take of the beaded crown from her forehead and the two Bluenettes sighed softly, knowing they needed to return to that club tomorrow.

"Levy-san.. why did Gray-sama betray Juvia..?"

Levy jumped a little, unsure on how to answer this, given the fact that depite showing affection, Gray and Juvia still had not been an item, and that Gray watching Lucy dance was something completely normal for a man.

Juvia seemed like a wreck, which made Levy deside that it was best not to answer her, instead, she just awkwardly patted her back.

"Gray-sama doesn't love Juvia.."

While in fact, it was the total opposite.

You see, where Lucy was cute to the eye, Juvia was pleasure to the heart, and Gray couldn't deny that.

The blue haired mage had wrapped him around her slender finger, and she got him good, for he couldn't stop thinking about her, not for a single moment.

The very second he watched Lucy dance, he was lost in a daze.

He liked what he saw, like every man would, given the fact that she was indeed very pretty,
But he didn't get that incredible rush in his body as he did when he secretly eyed Juvia.

Oh how Juvia made him squirm for her.

The ice mage tried his very best to maintain his cool around her, secretly loving the attention and affection she gave him,  but he knew that that would all be gone by now.

He sighed, resting his head in his hands whilst having himself a glass of alcohol, the bartender watched him with pity before leaving again, screwing the lid of the bottle back on.

Lucy, Natsu, Erza and Wendy all eyed him with worry, not quite sure what had happened during their mission.

All they knew was that Juvia had appeared to dance along with Lucy, making the men beg for her with her movements and sexappeal.

Natsu even stated that he didn't think a girl like Juvia could be hot, not knowing how bad that was to say.

He learned that the hard way.

Natsu groaned in pain, his hand rubbing the bruised cheek where Gray had hit him.

The ring was in their possesion and their plan was a succes, despite having a few bumps on the way there.
But none of them were feeling the thrill like they normally would.

"Do you think we'll have to make a quick stop at their hotel?" Lucy suggested while the others shook their heads.

"No, she's very upset. I believe it's better if we just let them be." Erza continued, stirring in her drink whilst eyeing the demon slayer very carefully.

Suddenly, Natsu noticed something strange happening outside..

He ran to the window, watching patiently as the townspeople seemed to move like zombies, all focussed on a particulair spot in the steet.

They looked bewitched.

Out on the streets stood team Natsu's enemy, in his hands had been a staff, a staff that seemed to control all of these people to do as he pleased, his smile never fading when seeing them gaining in on their target..

Gajele stopped in his tracks, gaining the girls' attention as they both spun around to see what was happening, when they saw it.

Hordes of men marching their way, their eyes a blazing red.

"Looks like i'd have to fight them away.." Gajeel growled, changing his arm into an iron cub.

He was just about to hit them when Levy pulled him back.

"Gajeel! They are ordinairy people! You can't attack them!"

The three mages looked at the people that seemed to be closing in on them, all desperately trying to catch a certain someone.


The water mage tried her best to escape the men, not sure what had been happening to her when she suddenly bumped against a broad chest.

She turned around, finding that she had bumped against the man she needed to seduce for the ring they were supossed to grab, his lips licked and eyes gazing at her with lust causing Juvia to flinch.

"Hello there.. Dolly."

He grabbed her roughly, holding her tight as she squirmed underneath his grasp, her screams fading into the night as if she had hoped for a hero to rise and safe her.

Juvia struggled the very best she could seeing his staff rise from the ground to perform a certain spell, locking Levy and Gajeel under the same mindcontrolling spell the residents were in.

"Let Juvia go!" Juvia snapped, trying her hardest to break free while the man just smirked, not paying attention to her words.

"Yes.. you'll be just fine.."

He pinched her neck roughly causing her to loose consiousness and she screamed out into the night!


and soon she fell to the floor, lifeless and silent like a puppet.

The man growled hungrilly, ready to grab her body and claim it as his own, her state to fragile and innocent, she had no way of escaping.

"How wonderful."

Gray ran over the streets, his team following him close by as they heard the familiar cry.

His heart was aching and his body was burning, but he just ran, he ran until he found her.

His eyes soon found a mob of people and something blue on the floor, a perverted man gazing at her like she had been the rarest of treats,  fueling Gray with rage.

The man flicked his fingers making a mindless Gajeel walk up to grab Juvia's body to carry her away, when suddenly, he was send away flying.

Gray had arrived just in time, his body burning with hatred as he eyed the man.

"Leave.her.alone" he roared, ready to bash the man's head in who just laughed a little.

"Oh? So I see that Gray-sama has arrived?"

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