Monkey business

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Gray could not believe this..

They were currently wandering around in a mushy, damp and hot jungle where the water was high up to their stomach, Natsu and Erza in the front with Wendy on Natsu's shoulders, Lucy, Juvia and Gajeel trailing behind him.

The reason Gray was upset? He had been here before.

It was in fact this particulair Jungle where he had lost his first kiss.. to a monkey.
The same monkey they are now searching.

You see, the maniacal kisser was a pet of a very rich client, and fairy tail had been asked to find him for a big reward. Given the fact that team Natsu already knew the location and were in need of money, or "Lucy's reason to live" for short, Team Natsu went out to find the dangerous monkey.

Gray had not been looking forward to his fateful encounter with the happy monkey again, not now of all times with Juvia behind him, as if one lovestruck creature wasn't enough.

Juvia and Gajeel had insisted to come along, Juvia for reasons known to menkind, reasons known as Gray, and Gajeel had come along because Levy was too busy to entertain him.

"Gray-sama looks so great in this light.." Juvia whispered to herself as she stared in awe on how handsome he was.

Gray sighed..

Yepp, this was going to be a long trip.

They wondered around the waters, their eyes set on the crocodiles and blood suckers which had been lurking in the water.
Lucy had even gone and went to ask horologium to hide her from the monsters, remembering the perverted scene from earlier that year..

"Any sign of the little champ?" Natsu asked the group, recieving all negative humms to confirm his suspicions.

"How long will we have to look for the damn thing." Gray growled, crossing his arms as he dragged himself forth, not wanting to be in this horrid place much longer.

"Gray-sama... don't say things like that.. it's just a little monkey.." Juvia reasoned, touching his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, but her touches and words only made the situation much worse.

Gray decided it was best not to tell the love struck yandere about how he had lost his first kiss. About how the monkey even frenched him!

A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered it and he wanted to gag on the air, confusing Juvia the more with each passing second.

"Yea Gray, don't be such a meanie, why won't you give the little monkey some love?" Natsu joked, earning a bunch of snickers from the other knowing members of team Natsu.

"Hey, speak of the devil!" Gajeel called, pointing towards a racing monkey in the distance, hearts instead of eyes as it rushed over to Gray, Gray already wanting to sprint away, but he remembered the client and the money and sighed, knowing there was no way of escaping this dreaded fate.

The monkey jumped on top of him, slapping his lips against Gray's and catching him off guard. Gray groaned in a panic, trying his hardest to pry the little monkey off of him as the animal continued to kiss him the best it could.

Everybody watched in awe until the monkey released him and flashed them all a smile, a wet pop comming from their lips while Gray was frozen.

He slowly turned his head, not sure if he was ready to face her after this wicked showdown.

Juvia stood there, frozen in shock with her eyes wide and mouth agape, she was as pale as she possibly could be, almost paralysed.

"Eh.. Juvia? You okay there?" Gajeel asked the blunette as he began to shake her body, but she remained still.

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