"Or...he betrays us." I interrupt him, and Titan grins at me.

"I don't...think that's the case this time papa." Titan murmurs to me. I just look at him as if he's a fool and he notices that too.

He just chuckles at me, and I sneer.

"Titan stop being so naive! Not everyone is a good person or can change that easily. Some people are just naturally evil!" I shout at him, and he shook his head.

"Papa after everything I've so far seen...I have seen who can change and who can't change. You don't have to trust me on this, but I'm doing this my way. I'm going to tell Hiroto and Sana too - even Amor and Tashi, but don't say a word to dad." Titan tells me, and when I heard the last part I laugh.

All the times we don't tell Gideon he loses his mind. That's the last thing I'm going to do.

"Bullshit Titan - I'm telling Gideon-."

"Let me tell him myself. I'm not a child anymore - I can tell my dad myself - don't need papa's help." Titan mocked me - only to walk away from me now so that I couldn't say more.

This honestly pissed me off.

Just as I was going to rush after him I had to stop myself from barreling into Alaric and Kenji. They both were holding containers of sweets and I wondered where they got those from.

"Why do you look so pissed? Titan looked just as mad." Kenji asks me, and I shook my head.

"Did you two have a fight? That's rare." Alaric chuckles as him and Kenji start to tease me. If only they knew the real reason.

I snatch the cheesecake from Kenji's hands, and I see him instantly pout.

"Where'd you get all these sweets?" I question them, and Alaric was quick to snatch the cake back from me.

"Titan bought some not too long ago. He said we could choose what we wanted and leave behind at least a few. I don't know why, but Kenji and I had to take some before our kids...find us and try to steal them." Alaric whimpers, looking over his shoulder as if he was afraid.

I see him hand the cake back to Kenji who had his eyes narrowed on me.

"Is there something going on that you need to tell me?" Kenji questions me again.

I ran my fingers through my hair and before I could respond we heard countless footsteps running up the stairs. The looks in and Kenji and Alaric's eyes were pure fear yet excitement.

"Run!" Kenji cried, and they both pushed me into my room of all places. Locking the door behind them, we could hear their kids banging on the door.

Kenji smiles happily as him and Alaric fist-pump, truly proud of themselves.

"You both are like children." I chuckle under my breath as they sat on the rug that was in the middle of the room. Them laying out the deserts as if this was some kind of sweet feast.

"With kids as smart as ours...they'll figure out a way to open the door. We have to embrace our childish side sometimes...or we'll go insane... At least I will." Alaric confesses aloud, Kenji nodding dramatically.

"Agreed. Especially the ones younger than Miku...they are crazy and insanely intelligent. I almost had a nosebleed when Ren and Reo asked me if light is the fastest thing in the world - how does darkness get there first...? They all went on this tangent on the speed of light and speed of darkness - which I don't get. I...I almost collapsed." Kenji shook his head wildly, Alaric laughing as if he was remembering another story.

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