Chapter 25

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"Oi dumb nerd!"

Toga looked at the spirits surrounding her and Izuku and glanced at her object of lust. He didn't respond...

Several others also try calling out to him but nothing worked. It seemed he was completely gone from the world already.

Toga's tears threatened to spill when she saw his eyes. She wanted his glare back but not even that, she just wanted Izuku back. Falling to his feet and holding on, she tried to get the puppet of darkness to stop dancing but it didn't work, red bumps and bruises started to appear on her skin as she refused to let go.

"Izu... Please stop...."

Bakugou's soul made an annoyed sound but he came forward and let himself be swept up in Izuku's arms, following the flow.

"Hey nerd, come back already. You're not so weak to fall from this are you?"

He scowled as he got no reaction and from inside the puppet's arms, he lifted his own face up to kiss him. Izuku's lips were cold but as he kept kissing, he smirked as he felt them warm up a little.

"That was revenge from kissing me that other day. Now come back... Return that fucking kiss Deku!"

His spirit stood back and the next one to turn up was Todoroki.

"Hey... I know you'll come back because you always have been there for me when I needed you. So this time, let me be there for you please..."

Instead of being swept up in his arms, Todoroki stood still as he waited for the puppet to notice his presence. A moment later, Izuku had swept his body to the floor and waited on one knee as Todoroki smiled and took the outstretched hand. Together, they danced the dance the spun the very first time they met and Izuku's ice cold hands started to warm up.

Toga was with the other spirits and when she saw Izuku's change, she excitedly pushed the next spirit forward and what she got was a blubbering mess of Uraraka unable to talk.

"oh?" Toga smirked as she recognized that smell, she knew immediately how Uraraka felt and whispered in the spirits ear before going back.

Todoroki saw Uraraka and let go of Izuku's hand causing the puppet to feel around for another partner.

Grabbing Uraraka by the waist, he pulled the blubbering girl into a dance and she awkwardly stepped along until she started to submit to his lead.

This isn't bad... She thought as she got spun around. A smile creeped onto her mouth and when the dance came to an end, before she let go, her one thought was that...

I have to say thanks...


Izuku's dance froze slightly when she spoke up and Uraraka covered her eyes as she yelled.

"I LIKE YOU!!!!"

Except she didn't want to say that and immediately retorted. "wait! No! I mean... I don't hate you but I don't like you like that but... Uuuggghhhh I hate you!!!!"

She stormed off with her face cherry red and Toga lit up as she saw Izuku's expressionless mouth curve ever so slightly upwards. Excited, she pushed the next spirit forward and waited.

Shinsuo didn't know what to do really. He never really spoke to Izuku so what could he do? He didn't have any special connection.... Unsure, he just started to talk about wanting to go back and just snooze on roof. He awkwardly scratched his neck the whole time as he looked away.

Taking a peep at how the puppet reacted, he was surprised to find that Izuku had stopped dancing completely and just sat on the floor in front of him.

Shinsuo smiled as sat down next to him before the two sat back to back against each other not saying another word.

Toga was getting more and more excited as she pushed both Kirishima and Iida forward.

"Ummm Toga right?" the blood crazed girl faced Uraraka who stood there. "yes?"

"why are you doing this? I thought you villains wanted this? Isn't what you're doing counterproductive?"

Toga nodded knowing full well what her actions meant.

"it is but... The league is my family and Izu is part of it. Even though the boss wanted this, I want nothing else than for my family to be happy like normal people. So if Izu is like this, I'm sad."

She smiled as she watched Kirishima patting Izuku and Shinsuo's hair, much to the purple head's annoyance since he got up and joined the others.

Izuku then showed more emotion as he leaned into Kirishima's head pats and Toga squealed as a small stare returned to Izuku's eyes.

The red head couldn't help but melt under the piercing gaze and also returned to the group as Iida just talked about how he admired a hard worker, even if he gave off a lazy facade. Izuku responded by nodding and Toga almost cried as she saw him becoming more aware.

Tsu was next and she went straight for it and dived for a hug. Her own body warmth was clearly reaching out to Izuku as instead of dancing her away, his arms quivered a little before returning the hug which Tsu just happily chirped in.

And finally Denki who didn't know what to do at all. "I... You... Todoroki's right, you're always there when needed and you end up helping me without realizing it. I.. I want to return the favor. I want to see you dance the way you did last time."

He held out his arms which Izuku took and together, with Denki in the lead, they started to dance.

To Izuku, it was as if a heavy weight from his shoulders had finally been lifted and as he danced, his feet felt light again. It was as if he could fly as he swung his body in ways that felt natural.

As his own cold body started to warm up, Izuku held onto Denki's waist tighter and took the lead back.

The Dancing Puppet [Completed] |Seme Dekubowl Where stories live. Discover now