Chapter 2

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Izuku quietly waited as the boy hesitantly lifted his own hand and placed it in Izuku's outstretched ones. Seeing this, Izuku smiled at him and the boy's face flushed slightly.

Slowly getting up, Izuku started to dance and twirl around the hospital corridor, gently spinning in circles, hand in hand with this stranger. Light poured through the windows and the beams once again bent around Izuku. His happy little voice started to sing and it became an almost magical waltz.

Izuku started to giggle as they spun around a ribbon of sunlight which danced with them, wrapping around their bodies before it came to a stop around the boy's face.

The bandages came loose revealing a bloodied red patch of skin covered in boils and burns. Izuku looked in shock at the injury as the sunlight kissed it and slowly the boils swelled down. The eye that was blurred and unseeing had their shine returned and the boy smiled as he realized he could see again. He shyly stopped the waltz to lean forward and gave Izuku a hug.

The injury couldn't completely heal so a large red patch was left on his side of his face, Izuku was sad he couldn't return the skin colour the way it was but the smile on this boy's face made him giggle with happy delight and he tightly squeezed the boy back.

There was a loud commotion behind them as a large bulky man surrounded in flames suddenly dragged the boy away from Izuku. The boy almost immediately dropped his smile and looked downwards as the man glared at the boy's face.

The terrifying man's face relaxed however as he saw the scar on the boy's face was a lot less severe than before. He put two and two together before be muttered a word of thanks and dragged the boy away.

The boy turned back to Izuku and waved as Izuku shouted "MY NAME IS IZUKU!!! WHAT'S YOURS?"

The boy looked hesitantly at the man before yelling back "it's-my...MY N-NAME IS SHOTO!!! THANK YOU IZU-"

He was cut off by a slam of a door as the was dragged around a corner and into a hospital room.

Inko just happened to come from the opposite direction and she spotted Izuku and called out to him. He ran over to her and held her hand as they went back into their hospital room to collect his results.

"Mrs Midoriya, your son has a rather interesting quirk. My analysis tells me it's base is light and dark manipulation but the trigger is unusual. It seems that he needs to use specific movements to draw out his power. Do you know if he's done anything specific to draw out his power?"

Inko immediately thought of the dance home yesterday and explained how she felt no fatigue despite them moving around the whole time.

The doctor scribbled down notes and nodded along before coming to a conclusion.

"I think I understand now, I believe that his quirk is actually not just manipulation of light and dark but instead, it's healing. Likewise, I'd assume he can also weaken and harm others if he's not careful.

It's also logical to assume his power can even undo anything he's done which is useful as that means he can fix any mistakes.

A very useful thing since many quirks have lasting damage."

"Mum...I need a drink." Izuku tugged at his mother's sleeve and she told him to go grab one from her bag in the waiting room. He left and the doctor continued to Inko.

"From current data, it doesn't seem to matter if songs are involved or not, it's the movement itself that draws out his quirk. I don't see any drawbacks to his quirk apart from how long he can dance but that could be improved through just physical endurance training."

Inko nodded as Izuku came back in just for the two adults to leave to sign off a few papers and Inko told Izuku to stay put as he sat by the window drinking juice.

In an office far from the quirk hospital, a man dressed in a suit was observing the screens on his computer. The screen displayed all the cameras in the hospital and the man was watching the movements of the boy called Shoto. He was the son of the number two hero, Endeavour and was rumoured to posses immense fire and ice quirks. The boy's full name was Shoto Todoroki and the man was planning to steal his quirk.

The boy was indeed capable of the power but another person had unexpectedly caught his eye. A younger boy who had unintentionally bumped into Todoroki displayed his quirk by healing most of the horrific burn on his face.

Although the man was already in possession of many healing quirks, he had a hunch to follow the green haired kid on his monitor.

He listened into the quirk explanation and his eyes glowed. If the boy had dark and light manipulation, with the current capability being healing, the opposite would be weakening and that was still just the beginning.

Seeing how powerful the boy could get, the man grinned and chuckled happily to himself. The potential of this boy could easily aid him in his dream.

The man was the leader of a group of villains with an alias of All for One. He has lived for over 100 years from stealing quirks for his own benefit. He has long forgotten why he wanted to be powerful and now all he wants is to be the ultimate ruler of them all.

He already had someone working for him who had the quirk of immense and powerful flames. He focused on the green haired boy and started a recording for the room where Inko was talking. He was a careful man, he may need her voice in the future.

He smiled as he watched the boy stand by the windowsill start singing. Izuku danced and twirled among the billowing white curtains and once again, sunlight bent and the sunbeams danced with him. They spun circles together and happy laughter filled the room.

All for One knew what he wanted and immediately opened a telepathic link between him and his successor.

"I need you to kidnap a child for me, don't harm him.

Kill anyone who gets in the way."

The Dancing Puppet [Completed] |Seme Dekubowl Where stories live. Discover now