Chapter 3

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Ridiculously happy was the understatement of the year to describe how Izuku felt as he skipped home that day hand in hand with his mother singing at the top of his little lungs.

He didn't really understand his quirk well yet as he wasn't there for the explanation part but it seemed to be both singing and dancing.

From what he did hear of the conversation, it seemed that by being sad and singling sad, it wasn't very nice and it could even hurt people.

And so, Izuku didn't want to. Instead he just kept warbling happy songs again and again as he hopped around, sunbeams dancing with him.

He didn't see Katsuki on the way back as he passed the park causing the overjoyed green head to be just a little disheartened but it was okay. He could see the fluffy blonde tomorrow instead. He already couldn't wait to try and get a dandelion crown onto the caramel scented boy and hear the happy chuckle of the boy calling him "Deku".

It was their nicknames for each other was actually a misunderstood joke from Katsuki as he called Izuku a Deku for not being able to make him wear the flower crown but instead of being offended, little Izuku didn't mind. In fact, he loved it since it was his first nickname as mean as it was. But that was all for tomorrow.

As the sun set, Izuku continued to spin around the living room happily singing and dancing. It seemed that no matter the light, he could activate his quirk for it's effects like healing.

After eating a hearty dinner with Inko, he went to bed that night excited and bubbling. The shadows moved out of the way as he danced across his bedroom on a path to his bed bathed in light.

(Author starts to evilly laugh. This is not a good sign.)


A loud clatter could be heard from the kitchen at midnight and desperate screams reached up the stairs, waking little Izuku up from his happy dreams and he jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs.

More shattering of plates could be heard followed by a the sound of a gunshot.


The screaming stopped almost immediately and a soft thump followed as Izuku watched in horror as his mother went down on her knees in pain.

He was hiding behind the corner around the stairs, peeping into the kitchen where a man shrouded in a purple black mist was crouching behind a boy with light blue hair and promoting him to go forward.

To further throw Izuku into despair, he watched as the floor disintegrate where the boy touched as the hands that turned everything to ashes crept closer and closer...

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Izuku ran from where he was hidden and pushed the blue haired boy away from his mother's shivering body and started hugging her but freaking out as his hands were met with a warm pool of blood.

Inko was barely able to talk and was whimpering in pain as the bullet had hit an artery, meaning she had only a few minutes left. He held onto the blood stained body completely soaking his own clothes but he didn't care. His mother was dying and he couldn't-

His quirk!

Opening his mouth, Izuku tried singing but his voice wouldn't come out, it was like he couldn't move.

What was the point of a quirk that could heal if he couldn't help the people close to him?

He cleared his throat, holding back his tears and tried again.

At first, nothing came out but with another push, notes, shaky as they were, started to bubble from his mouth...but nothing happened...

The problem was his quirk. He wasn't there for the last part of his quirk explanation but he needed to dance, his quirk wasn't the song, it was the dance itself.

The song itself had nothing to do with his quirk, it only helped him focus a bit.

But his body wouldn't move.

He tried to get up but he had no strength. His mother's hand were now cold as they shook upwards reaching no where. Izuku, crying, as held it tightly against his face.

A small smile appeared on Inko as she cupped her hand on her son's face. She looked at him with blank eyes, a single tear rolling down as she opened her mouth and in a shaky voice,

"I love you my baby Izuku."

Before dying in his arms.

It wasn't for a few minutes later when the realisation of his mother's death finally hit.

But he couldn't cry...
Because he couldn't save her...
He didn't deserve to cry.

He shakily got up onto his quivering legs and raised his arm as if strings held him up. He danced slowly in sweeping motions to morn his dead mother and he opened his mouth to sing.

But what came out was not the happy song where small cuts could be healed and fatigue would disappear. No, this was a sad song. A song that he danced to in a heartbroken voice, with the shadows swirling around him, as if suffocating him.

The shadows of the late night bent towards Izuku, sadly rising and falling along with the beat that seemed to make it hard to breathe as the two others in the room listened.

Seeing that the blue head was starting to slump as if the energy was being drained out of him, the man in the mist immediately took action and leapt forward, encasing the body and the two boys and they disappeared without a trace.

It was over in a moment as he stood alone in their house and started walking around the place pouring gasoline on everything. He reached the young boy's room and saw it littered with anything All Might and scoffed before coating it in the flammable oil.

He paused at the family photos by Izuku's desk and decided to teleport those items away after removing the All Might stickers plastered all over them.

By the time the police arrived as the neighbors heard the gunshot, the house was completely encased in fire and burning to the ground.

The Dancing Puppet [Completed] |Seme Dekubowl Where stories live. Discover now