Chapter 23

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All for One watched as the dim light in Izuku's eyes finally dim to the point where it couldn't be seen anymore.

It was time!

"Kurogiri, open a gate for all of us to the top of a building where we can be seen by the press. We want the world to watch as I finally plunge them into the netherworld!"

He cackled evilly as he got up and walked into the purple mist that appeared.

Stepping out into evening light, he smirked as the Vanguard Squad of the League of Villains all stood before him.

"We are almost ready to completely take over, we just now need to wait as this country plunges into despair and Puppet!", he clicked his fingers and Izuku stood up before him as he continued.

"You're task is to start that Ballad of the Night,however you need to leave where we stand in the light. You know what to do from there."

Izuku nodded before raising his arms, he needed to do this.

He ignored everything that was around him as he started to dance, his throat hummed as his voice hauntingly started to crescendo, the tune echoing down as his empty song started to rain down to the citizens from above.

Twice was creating as many clones of Toga and Dabi as he could as the copies jumped down and either burned everything in sight or created confusion between everyone.

Mr Compress had a rucksack filled with marbles as he tossed them into the air for Magne to repell in all directions before releasing them and boulders fell from the sky.

Shigaraki was controlling all the nomus and getting them to attack specific heroes and this all happened as All for One just stood and watched.

The citizens below were all loosing strength rapidly as the Ballad of the Night quickly struck them down before Izuku started the Symphony of the Fears. The voice of danger rang down and started to target all the heroes who also started collapsing from exhaustion and littering the streets with their tired bodies.

The directed the pain, the sorrow and the anger for revenge and change towards his dance as he spun around, the light from above only surrounding the top of the building in which they stood. The press had now all focused on them as the cameras pointed toward him, his body twisting for all to see.

The reporters were all going crazy as people tried to stay awake and alive, their attention turned towards multiple figures running towards the building in which the league stood.

They were heroes who had left their post to stop All for One as he stood above them all. Without any intervention, his plan would be completed in only a matter of time.

But heroes would be heroes as those cursed with the chronic heroism immediately ran forward to apprehend them. Of course that meant some student of 1-A were there too.

The clones all came to fight them and Izuku watched as he slowly recognized them one by one slowing down his dance until he came to halt to stare at the fighting students.

Bakugou and Todoroki were being everwhelmed by numbers as they had to constantly set explosions, fire or ice into a continuous stream of clones.

Uraraka was being carried by Kirishima who she had used her quirk on as he fended off the incoming clones.

Shinsuo and Tsu swung and jumped from building to building as Shinsuo got clone after clone to kill itself and Tsu cut them in half with a flick of her tongue.

Iida and Denki were also working together as Iida took care of close range clones and Denki shot beams of electricity in lines at those in a further range.

All for One watched as Izuku stare at his ex classmates before letting it go, he might as well let the boy get some hope before destroying it all the way again.

As for Izuku, he was wondering why they were there trying so hard anyway.

Was Shinsuo really so inclined to their lunches together that he would try so hard? All he did was fall asleep against him. Shinsuo had a certain atmosphere around him that relaxed him and it was comforting to be near him. But wasn't that all?

Tsu as well, she had only recently started hugging him and sitting on his lap before cuddling against his chest. He didn't know what he did to get her to do that but it was nice because she fit well against him and she was very warm. It was nice and it reminded him of Toga when she clung onto him when he needed warmth the most. But surely since she had only just warmed up to him, she could just as easily let go? He knew she had a tendency to trust those who deserve the trust a lot but he was a villain?

And Iida! He was supposed to be the class representative and here he was breaking rules to fight towards him? What drove him forward like that? He was never truly his classmate and the only time they interacted kind of was when he danced with his presence. Sure, him being there had made him want to work harder but that was it? Why did he go so far for a someone like him anyway?

And Denki! He knew how Denki felt towards Jiro and just last week, Jiro announced to the class she was now dating Momo and he only just happened to be there when Denki got upset. He was dancing anyway and all he did was use the electric bolt as a dancing partner.

Although, because of everyone's constant stream of attention, his chest felt warm and sometimes sting with a strange feeling that made his eyes hurt.

He even learnt how to dance the Symphony of Hope secretly because of that and now...

He looked towards the struggling students and his chest started to feel heavy with pain...

What did he want?...

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