Chapter 8

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Another time skip, the heroes are now in class 1-A

"FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" The class bomb exploded like usual while on a bus surrounded by his classmates. They were on the road to the USJ facility for some hero training and he was, as usual, pissed off for no reason.

Mr Aizawa and All Might sat at the front of the bus and they both ignored their feisty student. They were already use to his frequent outbursts and honestly it didn't bother them anymore.

Iida, the class representative however, still got up from  his seat and gave him a sound telling off.

"We're here!!!" Mina, a girl with pink skin and black eyes, squealed as he jumped and and bolted for the door.

The class followed suit and they met another hero, Thirteen, outside the huge building in front of them.

They had just entered the building when a guy with purple hair tugged at Mr Aizawa's shoulder.

"What is it Shinsuo?"

He turned to see where the silent student was pointing and immediately he gave instructions out.

"All kids, back away immediately! This is a villain attack! I repeat, this is not a drill! Thirteen watch the kids! All Might, we need to stop the villains!"

All Might had already leapt forward with a punch aimed towards the black mist that was spreading and he was blocked immediately.

A large beast waddled forward unlike anything they've ever seen before and it screeched before it started throwing punches back.

From the mist, multiple figures started to walk through, all but one had their faces exposed and the students all got a shiver run down their spine as they smiled.

There was a blue haired man with hands attached to his arms who sat on a chair provided by a man covered in mist.

A black head covered in purple scars casually stood there and amused himself by looking at the students as they freaked out.

A blonde girl had her arms wrapped around the one in a mask and she was giggling happily to herself.

The one in a mask was dressed up like a doll, suit and tie fitted his body like a glove leaving the rest to their imagination. His thin frame was clearly muscular and the way he stood oozed sex appeal. His long limbs were almost mesmerizing as he simply stood there.

His hair was a curled mess and it fell in locks over the top of the mask and Toga giggled as she stood on her tip toes to swipe the hair back up.

She then waved at the rest of the students with a happy smile before she bounced over to Dabi who looked disinterested.

Shigaraki, from his chair was almost laughing as he saw his nomu beast fight All Might. They were about equal in strength and he found it amusing.

Aizawa was approaching them and Dabi walked over to meet him, and just before they locked in combat, the black mist covered the two and they both disappeared.

The mist crept over to the students and Thirteen stepped forward, ready to shield them except she also disappeared within the mist. The students were now completely exposed and they were being cornered by the mist.

"Fuck this SHIT!!!" Bakugou leapt forward and threw a blast at the mist, sneering as explosions caught the man off guard.

Kurogiri just sighed before he he simply teleported everyone away and returned to his young master's side.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh" the students found themselves all over the sight and there were basic villains there to meet them. Although they were only a temporary distraction as when they returned, Mr Aizawa was on the floor with large burns all over his body and All Might was still in a stalemate with the nomu.

The masked one was on the floor, looking like a toy as he was propped up against the chair that Shigaraki sat on.

Dabi had disappeared and Toga was sitting in the floor as well by a stereo looking at the masked one with heated eyes and a slightly drooling mouth.

The students that returned all just stood at the center unsure what to do as it seemed none of the teachers had any luck against the villains. What could they do?

Although the class was confused at what to do, there was something that distracted one of them.

Todoroki stepped forward with his hands up to show he had no intention of fighting as he approached the masked figure. Something about his hair...


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