Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya was your ordinary bubbly neighborhood boy who had plenty of smiles to share. He had fluffy green hair with black roots that bounced as he skipped along the path with his mother, Inko Midoriya, home.

Every day, little Izuku would sing with his mother and even though he was only four he already knew to anticipated the songs daily.

Inko would sing with her whiyle heart in these songs to her child and it filled her with warmth to sing to her baby Izuku as they strolled along.

The song wasn't a real or official one from anywhere. It was just a song that had her heart and soul inside.

She'd hold little Izuku's warm hand and the two would giggle over jumpy notes as they made it up as they went along.

Izuku was very much adored by the neighborhood mothers as he was very polite and open minded. His eyes would sparkle when he got praised for doing something good so he would constantly go the extra mile to make others happy.

He looked after a small tree sapling in the park and tended to the flowers that grew around it's base. He befriended the area's birds and squirrels by giving them nuts and seeds while gently petting them. He would make cute flower crowns from dandelions and give them out to everyone.

However, even though little Izuku went around befriending everyone, there was a certain boy in the park that confused him.

Katsuki Bakugou was a child with blonde fluffy hair and smelled like caramels who always had a cheeky smile on his face. Despite Izuku's best efforts...the boy just wouldn't wear the flower crown!!!! It was so confusing to him that he made one every day to give to him hoping that once day, Katsuki would wear it.

Except Katsuki's reasoning was very clear to everyone else since everytime he refused to wear the crown, Izuku would huff his adorable cheeks and disassemble the crown before sitting right next to Katsuki to make him watch how he remade it.

Izuku could only just remember parts of the song and would sometimes warble a few happy sounds as he weaved the stems together. To Katsuki, he always felt that every time Izuku sang, everything around seemed to happily dance around.

They were four when the Katsuki got his quirk. It was called explosion and every time he used it, he would smell even more strongly of caramels. He knew Izuku loved it so he would show off by making little crackles with his fingers and then clap his hands for a larger bang.

Except one time, Izuku wasn't paying attention and Katsuki wanted to be noticed so he gently picked up one of the flowers and handed it to Izuku while he was weaving. He got a smile and it made him feel so content that he let out an explosion from each hand but.... His sweating hands had left a little residue on the flower he touched and the crown exploded into pieces before Izuku.

Izuku was unharmed but his button nose reddened at the sight of his now charred flowers.

Panicking, Katsuki picked the blackened yellow flowers and started to twist the stems. He watched Izuku enough times to know how to do it himself and although they were not the same, he made a small crown.

He lightly placed it on Izuku's hair and watched as a smile beamed brightly from Izuku's face.

Izuku's eyes shimmered brightly as he saw what Katsuki had made for him. He was still a little sad that Katsuki refused to wear one himself but there was always tomorrow right? He giggled with excitement and gave Katsuki a hug with a "thank you Kacchan!" before running to Inko to show it off.

The afternoon grew a little colder and Inko called over to Izuku who was dancing around Katsuki trying to get him to wear one of his crowns still to only get rejected.

The two hugged before Izuku bounced towards his mother.

As they left, Inko started singing so Izuku let go of her hand and ran ahead as the light happy tune swayed through the air.

This was when Izuku started swaying to the beat.

He spun a circle and skipped a few steps, arms swooping in graceful circles and legs pointed straight out. As the excitement grew in him, so did his actions. He got onto the tip toe of one foot and lifted an arm towards the sun, dipping his head and spun a circle.

At this point, the straight beans of sunlight that came down started to bend. They started to bend and dance around Izuku lighting up his whole body and illuminating the whole street.

Inko watched her son in astonishment and squealed with delight.

"Izuku!! Your quirk!!" Her smile made Izuku smile even more and the sunbeams started to dance around her too. They were warm and filled her with happiness. Her skin glowed with the light as the two danced the whole way home and even though they should be tired, all their stamina was fine and no fatigue was felt.

The next day, Inko booked a trip to the quirk doctors. The hospital was in some sort of panic because apparently some woman had lashed out at her kid.

The checkup was really quick and the doctor told the Midoriya's to wait in the side room while an analysis was made.

Izuku wanted to go to the toilet and as he made his way back, he caught the eyes of a boy with bandages over an eye.

He seemed to not trust anyone as he stared wide eyed at Izuku, not moving a single inch and Izuku didn't know what to do at the fearful expression.

Resorting to his what makes him happy, Izuku spun a little circle before stopping on one knee with a hand outstretched to the stranger.

If he didn't know what to do, why not dance?

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