Chapter 24

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He was ready.

All for One watched with amusement as his dancing puppet finally broke free from the very last restraint he had on him and started to crave to be with the heroes.

He had the worst case of the chronic hero disease and it was finally all out in the open where he was now faced with the most important decision he needed to make.

He clicked a finger and immediately, Kurogiri teleported the vault containing his mother's body inside to the scene.

"Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku turned towards the villain mastermind and his eyes widened as he saw his mother's body right there in front of him.

"I will allow you to choose your own path."

All for One's voice was sickeningly nice as if he truly was letting him make a choice freely.

"You can become a hero if you leave this building now and I will vow to leave you alone,"

Izuku's eyes glistened slightly at the idea of being with the friends who came for far for him. But...

"however! Your mother's body will be destroyed to so many pieces that even once you master the dance to bring back life, you will not be able to bring back that beloved mother of yours."

All for One rested a foot on the vault which he pushed casually towards the edge of the building they stood on.

If the body were to fall from this height, any chunks of human flesh would actually be lucky.

Izuku grit his teeth as he already knew he was dancing in the palms of All for One's hand as he sat down in the floor.

He wasn't going anywhere and it made him want to cry.

Lifting an arm to the sky as if he was reaching towards the heavens knowing full well that his choice will get him sent straight to hell, Izuku faced the ground from the top as he prepared himself for the fall.

Standing up, he positioned himself, ready to death.

His voice was unsteady at first as low pitched cried came forward as he spun a circle. His voice quickly stabilized as his notes went up, then down, then up, then down again as if he was living life at hight speed.

His whole life flashed before him as he lived through the song as he violently stomped and spun and leapt. It was as if he was dancing like no tomorrow and everything he had always wanted was going to leave him as Izuku recalled everything that had happened.

The good, the bad, the fun and the pain.

This was how he had lived his life until now and since he had reached where they were now, Izuku had now reached the end of his life.

He clutched his chest as he raised a fist to the sky, before slowly opening his hand as if to say he chose to let go of heaven as he pointed towards the darkness that had gathered on the streets.

The haunting song came to a scream as Izuku stepped to the edge and jumped.


Toga screamed as Izuku plummeted towards the ground that was covered in darkness.

But the only response she got was the echo of his husky voice that uttered a single word before Izuku was swallowed into the darkness.


Silence hung for a second as the sound of a body splattering couldn't be heard and Toga looked down at the floor in confusion.

The shadows moved as if they were alive and as soon as Izuku dissappeared, the long creepy tendrils of the night immediately started to envelope the country.

The students of UA watched in horror as the person they had scrambled up for had fallen to the ground.

The sound of Toga's scream was enough to send fear to them all as a few moments later, they watched as the base of the building was now completely covered in the cloth made from what seemed to be the night sky.

Almost immediately, half of the students who were fighting immediately jumped down after Izuku. Who cared about the chance of dying? They needed to save Izuku.

And the other half kept clinging to the building as they watched their classmates dissappear into the abyss.

Eventually, they shook out their nerves before jumping right into the darkness.

This whole time, All for One had watched this unfold, exactly the way he had planned all along.

"Yes little puppet, that is the way! Sacrifice yourself to your music and let this whole world be plummeted into darkness!"

He laughed with a hint of insanity as how welcomed the darkness that enveloped him too.

It truly was and Encore of Death.

A few moments later, All for One grinned to himself as he sat on his throne above the underworld. Every single human that was pulled into the Encore had their souls stripped from their bodies and forced into the afterlife.

Their spirits were only voices now as they were powerless and couldn't do anything than to submit under the villains.

Izuku had been placed in a giant bird cage where he danced endlessly with a blank stare on his face, his soul now buried under the sins of killing so many.

Toga was inside the cage with him, occasionally dancing with him as she got spun around.

But it didn't feel right for the blood crazed girl. Her Izu didn't have the heated gaze anymore and there was no fire inside the body.

Her heart broke at his truly lifeless expression and she whispered loving nothings into his ear but she couldn't snap him out of it.

In fact, none of the calls seemed to reach him as the souls of his classmates floated over to join the dancing pair.

Toga looked around at the souls and looked away, she didn't want to look at them from her guilt of knowing Izuku would end up like this but didn't do anything to stop it.

She wanted to cry.

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