Chapter 9

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The silent figure didn't even move at the mention of his name and it continued to blankly stare at the back of it's mask.

Toga sighed as she realized Todoroki must already know Izuku's identity so there was no point in hiding it and removed the mask. She already knew nothing was going to effect the man of her wet dreams. He was broken after all.

Flashback to when Izuku returned from his walk after she tried cutting him.

Toga was lying on the floor completely bored as her Izuku was out. She was also upset as Shigaraki disintegrated one of her favorite knives when she tried to stab him. It wasn't like she was asking for much.

She was in a bad mood as she hugged herself. Who wanted his crusty blood anyway?


The bar door slowly opened and her eyes lit up from joy as she recognized her favorite handsome face and Toga was about to leap forward when she noticed Izuku's eyes.

The others noticed that she hadn't started her squealing rampage like she usually did and with concern, looked towards the empty carcass of a human.

He looked lost and completely out of it and only seemed to have returned to the bar as if he had nothing else to do.

"Yo...You okay Izuku?" Dabi slumped over but he got no response. It was as if he was talking to a doll.

"Izuuuuu what happened?" Toga whined as she came back to her senses. "Nod if you're okay."

Izuku's body then stiffened slightly as he straightened up and just started nodding. He didn't seem to realise what he was doing, as if he was just blindly following orders.

Concerned, Kurogiri went over and teleported the boy to his master hoping to find answers.

What happened with All Might was revealed and it seemed that the boy just lost his will to live.

To All For One however, this was fine as they boy was a pawn in his game anyway. An empty one was just more simple to control. But...

He excused Kurogiri who disappeared to explain to the rest before clicking on his keyboard for a while.

A few passwords later, a large tank came forward and Izuku blankly looked inside.

The vault was labeled no.1 and inside, was Inko's body.

There was no immediate reaction but there was definitely a small movement when Izuku saw his mother.

"Child, if you keep improving you can probably bring her back to life. You're quirk seems to not only be based of light and darkness but instead, the concept of it.

Just like how you can heal, you can give damage. So if you can kill, I see no reason why you can't bring back the dead, no?"

Izuku still didn't react but inside, he was now filled with one thought, 'practice'.

When he opened his mouth, no sound came out and the man sighed knowing full well that he expected that and after a few clicks, a stereo appeared with his mother's voice inside already.

As much as an empty puppet is useful, one with a single ambition that aline's with his own ordeals would be better.

With that, he was sent back to the rest and even before they could ask him questions, he disappeared into the room they provided for him, and danced until he passed out.

Present time.

Toga removed the mask and almost immediately, a loud explosion was set off.

"DEKUUUUUUUUU" The blonde leapt forward but he was met by Kurogiri again who just teleported him back to the ground. Kirishima held onto him to prevent him from running forward again as he looked with interest at the person who made Bakugou yell like that.

The boy was apparently their age but his face really didn't seem like it. There was an air of maturity and disinterest leaving the weaker willed slightly puzzled at their feelings. His smooth skin was littered with freckles and his thin lips remained closed. His eyes were not looking at their direction but instead, seemed to look into a place they couldn't see, surrounding him in a feeling of mystery. A smooth chiseled jawline defined even more by his cheekbones, were almost as captivating as they were scary.

Since even though he had the allure of a fallen angel, the air around him was both dangerous and deadly as much as it was sad and empty.

Maybe he recognized Todoroki but no effort was made to acknowledge the feeling and he sat there just looking into space.

Todoroki felt a little heated as he saw Izuku's face. The small angel who he valued as a hero when he was small was now a hot villain. The gap between the two personalities made him feel confused inside, but he didn't dislike it.


At that moment, All Might finally flung the nomu out of the facility and he was sweating profusely.

He scooped up Todoroki and Mr Aizawa and and placed them next to the students before turning around to face the rest of the group.

Shigaraki sighed, scratching his neck. "I got the data from the nomu, let's head back."

And before anyone else could say a word, the group disappeared and the mist vanished.

The Dancing Puppet [Completed] |Seme Dekubowl Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin