Chapter 4

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Confused, Izuku opened his slightly puffy eyes and blinked as he adjusted his eyes to the dismal lighting in the underground bar. There was no sunlight but by now, it was probably morning.

He was laid out like sleeping beauty onto the table and he felt a heavy weight on his stomach. Looking down, he was a little girl his age with blonde buns fast asleep on his chest.

"You're awake."

Izuku looked towards the voice and his eyes widened with horror as he saw the older boy with the light blue mop.

Memories of his mother dying in his arms filled his mind and immediately he felt like throwing up.

Breathing frantically, the sleeping girl woke up and immediately leaned forward and grabbed his face.

"You must be Izuku!" She shrilled squishing his cheeks.

" I love how you smell Izuku! It's a yummy blood smell!"
She smiled at him as he got up ignoring her and glaring at the blue head boy and the man surrounded in mist who stood further behind.

He had to drag the girl with him to get over towards the mist man and he lifted the girl into a princess carry before climbing into the table counter.

Setting her down by his feet, he glared directly into the man's eyes before a slow sinister voice came out, "why were you two at my house? Why was my mother killed?"

The girl looked up at Izuku's expression and shivered in delight. She loved it.

His green eyes were speckled with black and they seemed to pierce through the air and into the souls of the people he stared down.

She wanted him to gaze at her like that. She wondered what it would be like to have that heated gaze stare her down too. She shivered at the thought and swallowed her pooling saliva.

Kurogiri, the man who was covered in mist, couldn't show any expression on his face as it was covered but even he felt slightly unnerved.

From his pocket, he pulled out the family photo he took from the house and handed it to Izuku. The piercing gaze broke and Izuku lunged forward grabbing the frame. He held it close, not letting go as he stared wide eyed at his surroundings, the previous sinister glare nowhere in sight.

Toga, the girl who was clinging in a heated fashion, saw the change in expression but instead of loosing interest, wondered how fun it seemed to try and see this person change.

"Now that you've calmed down, I am Kurogiri, the bartender at this establishment and you can have further introductions later."

He walked from behind the counter right up to Izuku who had sat down on a chair.

"First, I think the master would like to see you."

And with that, the purple black mist enveloped him and Izuku suddenly found himself sat on he floor in front of a chair turned away in a dark room.

The eerie hum of a computer was the only sound he could hear as the chair swivelled silently around revealing a large man with a horrifying grin on his face.

"Hello child of vault no.1, I have been expecting your arrival."

The voice was monotone yet sinister and it sent chills down Izuku's spine. Why was this man expecting his arrival? And who's vault one?

So many questions and yet not enough answers, his four year old mind just couldn't keep up and Izuku wanted nothing except to just cry.

"I know what you're thinking child, I'll answer three questions before I start talking so think well. I have all day."

The words were nice but Izuku still didn't want to trust that man. How could he take his word for it?'s currently the best option...

"I-I..." Izuku stammered in a high pitched squeak before taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "O-oh-okay....I umm...why was my mum k-k-killed?..."

He clenched his fist as he awaited an answer.

"Ah yes...her name was Inko Midoriya wasn't it? Her death was just an unfortunate situation as she tried to oppose us bringing you here, child. She could've come along too but she insisted on getting in our way. I'm sorry for your los-"

"What do you mean 'unfortunate situation' ?" Izuku suddenly interrupted, " she is my MOTHER! All mothers would do the same if their child was being taken away by suspicious meanies like you!"

All stammering was gone again and the dark glint in his gaze was back and staring daggers at the man ahead.

"Okay since we're on this silly topic, my second question for you is why did you have to take me? What reason was so good that my mother had to die!"

Voice raising in volume, Izuku's face was red as he stopped talking for his answer.


The man sighed before he turned back around and clicked at his keyboard. Immediate a video played and Izuku immediately recognized his mother's voice.

"W-w...why do you h-have that s-song? T-that's import-t-tant t-"

"It's because her voice makes you happy, child. It caught my attention and I figured I should show you the real world so you can see for yourself why I would want you to aid me in my dream."

The man then stood up and walked right up to Izuku's confused body and held out a hand.

"If you don't believe me, then how about we do a little test?

I'll show you just how filthy the real world is."

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