Chapter 16

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Kirishima was almost bouncing into school as he entered the classroom. It was his turn to watch Izuku and he was excited!

Not only did Izuku naturally peak his interest from being a villain, he was someone who could affect Bakubro and to top it off, he was manly.

Looking in, something in him stung as he didn't see the green headed man asleep by his desk like he did with everyone else so far... Where was he?

He sat down nervously as he waited and just a few minutes before the bell, Izuku wandered in.... SHIRTLESS????

A few girls screeched as he rubbed his sleepy eyes before looking at the class, scanning the room before he locked eyes with Kirishima who was staring wide eyed back. The held it for a moment before Izuku started walking over and Kirishima couldn't help but stare at Izuku's body...

Those abs.... were freaking manly.... His slender frame wasn't thin as muscle was compact so his body was thick enormous to be as wide as his but he was just tall enough to seem slender... The way he had an arm casually swing slightly as he walked while another hand tossled with his hair was...

So manly....

He sat down by Kirishima's desk and exhaled slowly and Kirishima couldn't help but want to touch his hair...

But he held himself back as Mr Aizawa walked into the room.

Homeroom was over and since he was too busy wanting to touch Izuku's hair to remember what classes he had that day.

Bakubro had come over with his a spare shirt that he gave to Izuku bit it was slightly on the small side so Izuku just didn't button up.

How much he wanted to touch Izuku's hair and abs were the only things on Kirishima's mind all day as he forgot all his lessons. It was lunch time and Izuku started to walk away from him...wait what? Immediately following as he needed to keep am eye on him but also put of sheer curiosity, he watched Izuku walk up some stairs he's never seen. Reaching the top, there was a small door that Izuku opened and went in.

Through the door, he watched as Izuku lay down on the floor, give a soft sigh, and fall asleep.

Walking into the roof, he tried his best to button the shirt as for some reason....he didn't want others to see his chest but he couldn't tuck it into Izuku's pants.

He heard a sound behind him and immediately shot up and ran behind a wall. Why was he hiding?

At that moment, Shinsuo walked onto the roof and it was the first time Kirishima had seem Shinsuo make an expression.

He couldn't see Izuku's face from where he was but something must've happened as Shinsuo sat down next to him and started ruffling the green fluff.

He wanted to do that!

He watched as Shinsuo's eyes trace along Izuku's face and an irritating feeling came up within if he wanted Shinsuo to disappear and for him to take his place...but that's mean? He shook the idea out of his mind but Shinsuo at that moment lifted his arm almost as if without realising it.

With a finger outstretched, it landed on Izuku's lips and something inside Kirishima hissed.

It only got worse as Shinsuo was getting obviously flustered and confused over his actions as Izuku woke up.

His finger was still on his lips!!?!?!?!!

Still confused, he pondered over the question until Izuku woke up and just stared at Shinsuo.

Confused, Shinsuo tilted his head in obliviousness as Izuku licked his lips and continued to stare at him.

His finger was still in Izuku's lips....

He wanted to scream as Shinsuo didn't seem to realise his finger as he kept staring at Izuku and then... Izuku had just licked his finger...

Seeing Shinsuo internally panic and pulled his hand away to his chest, Kirishima almost felt a little anger but he didn't know why!

What was going on with his mind???

He kept watching in bewilderment as Izuku got up and stretched his long arms, pulling them up and letting his loose shirt reveal a few muscles.

No!!! It hurt to know someone else could see those muscles again up close as well and he didn't know what to do as he just left Shinsuo confused.

Kirishima timidly walked out of his hiding place as he walked passed Shinsuo who was completely out of it.

As much as the annoyed feeling irritated him, he couldn't help but love the excitement more from not being caught.

Running after Izuku who had reached their next lesson, Kirishima decided to walk right up to him and ruffle his hair.

Doing so, it left Kirishima in an absolute happy mood as it was fluffy....

His own hair was not as he used way to much gel every day but... Izuku's hair was really fluffy once he put his whole hand on. The tips were slightly hard from overuse of hairspray but since Izuku hasn't bothered to use any lately, his hair was super soft.

Patting the boy's head a bit more, his face felt a little heated as he felt Izuku push against his hand with his face and quickly, his hand ended up on Izuku's cheek.

It was really cute to Kirishima so he gently rubbed a thumb along Izuku's cheekbone and got Izuku to look in his direction.

But what he got wasn't a simple look as much as it was a hot passionate glare directly into him. He almost forgot how this guy... is a man.

Suddenly, the word manly only reminded him of Izuku as Kirishima saw a new way to view manly... before it was just the strong spirit that made him consider anyone manly but Izuku....was manly.

A small flush burned in him as he went into class and sat on his desk with Izuku joining him and lying next to him.

Izuku was just... manly.

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