Chapter 13

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Todoroki was eating his bento in the dining hall with the others for once as he wanted to observe Izuku.

He already confirmed from way before that he was romantically into Izuku but he was really confused when the cute Izuku in his mind became the alluring Izuku he sees now. Either way, he didn't mind. He liked Izuku and that was what mattered and he got slightly annoyed when he saw the guy he liked wolf down food.

Although he knew Izuku since they were kids, he never got to properly meet him and was jealous that Bakugou knew more about him than he did.

It seemed Izuku's tastes haven't changed and that meant Bakugou had the advantage but he didn't care.

Lunch ended shortly later and class was in session and Todoroki got up to leave but stopped when he saw Bakugou chasing after Izuku who had walked off towards the teacher's office.

Curious, he followed them and saw Izuku push open the staff door with no hesitation and heard a commotion.

Moments later, Aizawa was walking out with a frown and Bakugou was yelling as usual.

Aizawa saw him and sighed even more before lifting an arm indicating Todoroki over. He walked over slightly timidly before Aizawa handed him a key. He explained that there was an empty room on the third floor for them to use and that he take Izuku up. Bakugou was needed for other reasons and Izuku was refusing to go with.

Todoroki nodded and immediately, Izuku started walking in the direction Aizawa indicated and Bakugou screamed as Todoroki quickly took off after Izuku.

They reached the stairs and Izuku slowed down slightly as he quickly made his way upwards and Todoroki had to run to follow suit.

They made it to the room and Todoroki opened the door revealing an empty dark room with a single window.

Walkie directly into the middle, Izuku started stretching his body and doing light exercise to warm his body up and Todoroki just silently licked the door behind him and sat by the wall watching.

Entranced, he watched as Izuku loosen his tie and he felt shivers as a few top buttons came loose.

The blazer came off and was flung casually aside and now Izuku was stretching in his neat trousers, half open white shirt and loose tie. Half his chest was exposed and the dim light wasn't hiding the muscles.

A few clicks of his heel, Izuku walked around in a circle at a steady pace, like a heartbeat, and after a minute, Todoroki's heartbeat was in sync with the click of Izuku's shoes.

A low hum escaped Izuku's lips and slowly, he raised his arms and started to dance.

It was a slow and gentle sway that calmed Todoroki down and he smiled inside as this reminded him of their waltz all those years ago. The day he fell in love.

Getting up, Todoroki walked in beat with Izuku and when he got closer, Izuku spun around towards him and the beat stopped as Todoroki held his breath.


That was all that came from Izuku's mouth and more than enough to make Todoroki's face flush. He stepped back trembling slightly and Izuku tilted his head with confusion.

As if out of instinct, Izuku got into one knee and out stretched a hand waiting for a response. Todoroki couldn't help but smile as he happily took in the fact that somewhere inside Izuku, he still remembered him.

Taking his hand, Izuku got up slowly and a low hum escaped with slightly parted lips. They started to move around slowly with Izuku guiding Todoroki's every step and together, they waltzed around the empty dark room.

It was peaceful and soothing as the two spun gentle circles together, the shadows bending in and out with them as they danced and exhaustion crept onto Todoroki.

He wasn't doing it in purpose but Izuku was dancing to the Ballad of the Night. He wasn't trying to plunge Todoroki into despair so instead, he ate away at his strength gradually as they danced.

Eventually, Todoroki fell asleep in his arms and Izuku came to a stop. He lifted Todoroki up and walked to the edge of the room, setting him down and covering him with his blazer.

To Izuku, this guy was one he felt strangely overprotective of. He couldn't put it into words and he honestly couldn't be asked to try but he was content with just keeping this person safe.

There was another one who kept yelling at him. His tone reminded him of Toga but it was more kind. And after hearing it, his brain hurt and he wanted to shut it up immediately. Although today, that voice provided food that made him feel warm inside unlike the hot food he's eaten before. It was more.... nice....

His head hurt again at the thought and he didn't want to think anymore so he got up and started to dance again. This time bending the light from outside to come flooding in as he spun around shining beams.

Hours later, Aizawa knocked on the door and Izuku ignored him and kept dancing. Todoroki was still asleep and he didn't want to wake him up.

The light kept dancing and he followed suit as the door was broken down.

Holding it by the hinges, Aizawa threw it aside and lunged forward at checked Todoroki making sure he was just asleep before looking towards the boy silently dancing in the middle on the room, spinning dizzying circles while surrounded in light.

If only he grew up on the path of a hero he thought as he watched the kids potential increase but it had bloomed in the dark.

If only the number one hero was actually more in tune with how children felt, this mess would've never happened.

He waited for the clock to strike 9 which was when the voice in the watch turned on and told him to stop and get some rest.

Izuku slowed down and came to a stop, looking around, before walking to Todoroki and lifted him up.

Aizawa watched as Izuku headed towards the staff room and sighed.

Getting a kid to believe in others again would be hard but...just maybe...

The Dancing Puppet [Completed] |Seme Dekubowl Where stories live. Discover now