Chapter 22

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"WHERE IS HEEEEEEE?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!!!"

Anyone who was asleep at 6am in the dorms were all jolted awake by the cursed unholy screaming that came from Izuki's room.

Inside, all that could be found was Bakugou about to explode from anger as he realized that Izuku was gone.

He was right there... He was finally back... And he's gone again...

The frustration in Bakugou tore him up as he raged in the room Izuku was in. Where did he go? Why did he go? Was it his fault again?

The whole dorm was in a panic over his disappearance and that wasn't the only concerns from the adults. Because Izuku had no means to leave his room after Todoroki said goodnight to him because the bicolour boy was the one with the door keys.

Bakugou would be given the keys to unlock Izuku's in the morning so escape was impossible.

Izuku's windows wouldn't open either and the window was made from quirk repelling bullet proof glass. The door that lead upstairs to the roof would automatically lock along with the main door so there was so chance of escape.

But he still dissappeared which meant someone somehow broke in completely undetected. And that was the issue.

There was no point wondering over something they wouldn't find the answer to so the class quickly switched to hero mode. They needed to find a missing student and bring him back.

Meanwhile in an old dance room back in the league of villain's base, as Izuku finished with a blood chilling arch of his back, the whole room was plunged into the dark, All for One was almost cackling with laughter.

"It's almost there! My dream to rule over them all! I will recreate this world in hell where the strong remain and strength determins all!"

His maniacal laughter subsided as he focused on his Puppet's eyes. There was still a small light in them although they were dim, it annoyed him. It meant his hero side was still fighting even though so much had happened.

"I need to plunge him further into despair to get my plan into it's final stage... What can I do?..."

Was there anyone close to him he could brutally kill? Or anything precious he could dangle in front of him?...

If the mother was still alive, now would've been the time to kill her but she ended up dying already. He already broke the precious link between Izuku and Bakugou as well as destroy Izuku's faith in the number one hero.

What else is precious to Izuku?...

He pondered over his problem before coming to a conclusion. For now, he just needed to start adding panic into the public. He immediately got Kurogiri to open a portal from his lab to anywhere a student was due to go and pressed a few key on his board.

"Kurogiri, get Puppet in front of the TV now."

He looked at his screen in pleasure knowing full well the students were going to be at their interns despite Izuku being missing. In fact, he chuckled to himself knowing that the principal would push the internship even more to amp up the security.

Even if Izuku had offered himself to save his mother, the light in his eyes made him an incomplete puppet and he needed to be polished.

Over with the students, the beast called a nomu stepped forward immediately plunging Japan into a panic as they appeared everywhere.

Heroes who gave the intern offers were struggling to protect the children while the children insisted they would help. Citizens panicking and just the overall chaos was enough to get every channel to be about the distruction as in all the footage, a UA student could be seen struggling.

Izuku sat on the bar stool as he watched people he knew a few days ago get injured and something inside him hurt. He wanted it to stop but...

He wasn't supposed to like the heroes and yet he doesn't dislike them either. Although, the resentment inside him was still strong and he knew he but couldn't trust any of them.

Maybe it was just with the class? That meant he made friends or something with some individuals of 1-A but he knew deep down that even with them, he didn't trust a single one.

He didn't even want to make friends, they just all flocked near him and he felt responsible... He wanted to look after them and their company wasn't so bad...

His supposed childhood friend was angry and loud as ever but even after all these years, he hadn't changed and was still very good at reading him. And when he ended up kissing him because he yelled too loudly, the way he finally shut up and blushed from frustration was quite amusing...

And Todoroki... It was faint but he remembered him from the day he found out what his quirk was. That was the day he felt proud to have helped someone and wanted to keep him safe from that angry looking man. Although the Todoroki now was a lot stronger emotionally too and he kept filling his chest with a warmth. He would go on about how much of an angel he was and Izuku felt pain as he remembered those words.

He hated heroes and became a villain to help others because they actually do help. His encounter with Stain versus his encounter with All Might shown him that clearly.

So he wasn't any angel, he had fallen from grace long ago.

He knew Uraraka had seen him talk to Toga through the watch in his wrist and think of him as nothing more than a puppet to the night, and she wasn't wrong.

He knew he was being used but the only thing that mattered to him was his mother. The happiness he felt just before he saw her die was all he craved for and wished with all his being to return to the past.

Everything was okay when she was around and he only felt pain after she left.
So he needed to keep working hard to bring her back.

He had nothing else to live for.

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