
84 13 3

October 29th, 2019

Research Type:  Mandatory

Group Involved: WayV


File Name: Moonwalk

Goal: Keep WayV in the area until Red Force can take care of them

Summary: While the Red Force base is under construction, WayV has been kept at one other their former bases. The clones have been relatively compliant, but that may be because of the electric fence and constant surveillance.

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LUCAS sat on top of an old, rusty bus, watching the meteor shower in broad daylight. The distant rumble of meteors crashing could be felt, the main reminder that the world was crumbling at the seams. He could only hope they were wrong about being in the same Dream World as the dreamies.

From his high perch he could see the entire perimeter of where they were being kept, and the great emptiness of the desert. It was lonely, especially since the seven of them were kept completely separate, and the vast plane seemed like the perfect setting.

Bubbles floated above HENDERY as he sat in something resembling a ceramic bathtub. The joystick in his hand controlled the main bubble's movement; his only source of entertainment. He periodically would get up and move around, but he was intent on staying where he was after having sprinted around the room a couple of times.

The sudden rumbling of the meteor striking land was enough to throw the bubbles off, and HENDERY lost control. The bubbles crashed down around the room as if they were now made of glass, one of them hitting his head and knocking him out. The joystick in his hand clattered to the tile floor as he sunk into the empty bathtub.

TEN found this confinement to be even more torturous than the previous one in the Dream Lab. At least there he had some sort of idea of what the others were doing. Now, he had none. His captors had been smart enough to put him in the only lead lined place they had, a pod that looked like it was going to be used for outer space, but hadn't passed inspection in more than one area.

So he did the only thing he could to in his prison. Try to break out, and dance. The later of those options was always a lot more successful, until at one point he was thrown against a wall. It was as if his entire chamber had been tipped over, knocking him out when his head hit against the lead wall, giving his captors the perfect opportunity to remove him to their next destination.

XIAOJUN had been told to sit and wait. He wasn't sure what he was waiting for, but he knew he wasn't about to sit at that desk until someone told him he could move. So he would get up and walk around a bit, but there wasn't much else to do. There was an archway above three steps that only led to a raised platform, but other than that and the desk with a lamp, there was nothing.

So there was nothing else to do but sit and wait.

WINWIN and YANGYANG were in an interesting situation. WINWIN was on the ground where he had access to a car that couldn't run, a baseball and bat, and a view of building he could never reach. But YANGYANG was suspended mid-air in an upside down car, unable to get down. Both of them had tried several times to get him down, but he was just too high up.

So he sat up there watching WINWIN try to hit the ball with the bat, just to consecutively fail. Until that one time he did succeed, sending the ball out of their field of motion. Leaving them with a source of entertainment no longer.

Where KUN was being held, it might as well have been torture. A gigantic, rusty clock with arrows as hands ticked above him. It would've been a great way to judge how long he and the others had been captured if it actually worked properly. Instead, the hands turned backwards and at inconsistent rates, sometimes stopping for random periods of time.

Making him the most relieved to leave the the abandoned base, just to have them all be transported away.

Judgement of Research: Success 

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