
96 14 0

February 18th, 2018

Research Type: Experimental

Group Involved: U


File Name: Boss

Goal: See if the clones will attack each other or if they will work together

Summary: After several months of no new activity, the scientists decided to mobilize two clones that hadn't been used before, and set them into a secluded part of society to test whether or not they would attack each other if they all had memories of being bosses and having similar goals. They spent the majority of their allotted time spying on each other and forming alliances, but in their last few days they worked it out together after a brawl.

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Having nothing much to do in months other than watch the Dreamies play around in the Dream World, the scientists decided they needed to do something for entertainment. The clones were also getting restless in the laboratory, so in order to keep them from doing anything harmful to the research, seven clones were chosen at random.

The scientists then drove them out to a set up and secluded warehouse that had multiple places for them to camp out, having a time frame of one month to allow them to run around for the experiment. The clones were given memories of being powerful bosses all against each other, but every single one of them with the same goal. Personnel were kept on sight just to ensure nothing would happen, and the clones were set loose.

WINWIN was the first to start spying on someone else, JAEHYUN, while DOYOUNG and JUNGWOO were the first to form an alliance. TAEYONG kept mainly to his office where he planned specific means of maintaining power until he formed an alliance with MARK.

All original alliances and suspicions were broken within two weeks, and the clones formed definite alliances in two groups against each other. MARK, JUNGWOO and LUCAS had joined together while TAEYONG, DOYOUNG, JAEHYUN and WINWIN combined forces.

Outside forces were almost brought onto the scene when MARK and TAEYONG started fighting on top of a table, but the others calmed them down before anything serious could happen. They then quickly worked everything out and joined forces completely, becoming inseparable.

But when they discovered they were being watched and observed the entire time, the scientists realized their harmless experiment was going to cost them more than they expected. The clones were sedated and returned back to the Dream Lab before they could start to finalize any plans.

Judgement of Research: Successful Fail

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