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Breaking the clones out of the lab had been a feat on its own. Gaining their trust was easy since you had worked with them since practically the beginning, and proving you were doing this for their sake was even easier after you showed proof of your involvement in WayV's escape from their capture in the Dream World.

Getting them out was another thing.

Not only would they not leave until you had shown them that WayV were secure with the Dreamies in the Dream World, but they also would not leave without the two new clones that had been under development. SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO.

TAEYONG had been the most adamant in the argument for not leaving them behind, and while you knew they would be useful, you also knew you didn't have time to spare. You had managed to hold off on the reporting of WayV's escape for months now, but it had been too long since Dr. Sooman had heard of a direct development.

That alone was dangerous.

If it hadn't been for the experimentation that had been going on not only in the Dream World, but also in the Dream Lab, you would've left SUNGCHAN and SHOTARO for sure. Like TEN, however, they had gifts the other clones didn't that made them crucial to getting the clones out and keeping them out.

SHOTARO was capable of moving himself and others through space while SUNGCHAN could move through time. Abilities that would make it possible to stay out from Dr. Sooman's radar.

When the time for escape had come, it was chaos. The quiet kind of chaos. The kind that slipped right under your nose in the most unbelievable way possible.

Using the technology WayV had discovered in their search for the Dream World, you transferred the rest of the clones to the Dream World. By using this different method, bodies weren't kept under monitor like the Dreamies were. Instead, both the body and the mind were brought to the Dream World, making it less of a place within your imagination and more an alternate reality.

TAEYONG, DOYOUNG, and JOHNNY had been given detailed instructions of how to stay out of the Red Force's grasp before they were sent off. You would've gone with them, but you still had to protect Dream and cover their tracks. Switching Dream over using the different method would've been dangerous and seen at this point considering how heavily they were monitored. It was a risk you had to take to leave them physically in the real world.

Now it was up to the clones. 

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