A New Use

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You stormed through the hallways of the laboratory, a newspaper that might not even be legible due to how tight you were holding it clenched in your hand.

It had been over a year since you joined the research team at Dream Lab, and Dr. Sooman had taken a lot of your expertise into action. You were practically his right hand advisor, but this was too much. There was no way you were going to let this go.

Ignoring the protests of the guards and Dr. Sooman's personal secretary, you flung open his office doors and threw the newspaper down on his desk. Calm as ever, Dr. Sooman put his call on hold and looked at you with fierce eyes waiting for an explanation.

"You said my family would be protected! You told me you had the gang under your control!" You held the newspaper up in his face, the headline glaring at him in bold print.

Local Gang Murders Family of Four In Their Apartment

Police say the family had been paying for protection under this gang, allowing them to live in peace while their youngest children were safe from joining. Due to unknown circumstances, the gang turned on them late last night, killing them all and ransacking the house.

If you know anything about the gang activity or where to find them, please call the local police department as soon as possible.

Dr. Sooman sighed, leaning back in his chair and lowering your hand so the newspaper was no longer in his face. Rage bubbled inside of you at his lack of response. 

He said he had this under control when you first mentioned the gang that was draining your family funds. When you said you were going to quit working at the laboratory to join the gang to get them to stop pestering, Dr. Sooman immediately offered to buy the gang's protection for your family, allowing you to keep your job.

"Ready the clones. I have a new assignment for them." His voice was steady and commanding, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear in your grief and anger.

"The clones?! What the hell are they going to do?!"

"Form a new gang for the city. Wipe out the old one. We'll be able to know for sure no one else will get caught up in gang affairs, and you'll be able to test the fighter programming you've been working on." You froze for a second, the anger quickly dissipating.

When Dr. Sooman picked up his phone to continue his call, you snapped out of it and walked out of his office in a dazed state until he called your name.

"My sincerest apologies too. You can take as much time as you need for yourself."

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