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January 17th, 2019

Research Type: N/A

Group Involved: WayV


File Name: Regular

Goal: N/A

Summary: After months of not hearing anything of their movements, this is the first bit of information we have. That they have a base set up in China, keeping us from infiltrating and taking them back.

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Papers flew everywhere as KUN stood on top of a table to try and get everyone's attention. Multiple screens were glitching across the room, adding to his stress level as they tried to fix them. HENDERY throwing the papers in the air was not helping.

Their base in China had taken a lot of time to set up, and a lot of time to find, but it was perfect. Perfectly secluded and provided them with all the resources they would need to eventually get the others out of the Dream Lab. It would just be nice if everyone could focus and the technology would work.

Their first course of action was to follow Dr. Sooman's technology that sends people to the Dream World, hoping to get to Dream first rather than 127. The teens would be the most impressionable, and they were the core of the lab's main purpose. Getting them to ruin that would be the first step in taking it all down.

WINWIN had been put in charge of keeping up with all activity in the Dream Lab with the clones, and TEN occasionally helped and took over for bits of time. KUN and YANGYANG were put in charge of monitoring all progress and developments in their building, but also making lists and coming up with plans for their next attempts. The rest were put in charge of researching the way to the Dream World, but it wasn't going so well.

Hence the chaos that was ensuing when KUN tried to call them to a meeting.

When they finally calmed down enough to listen to his instructions, LUCAS was sent to break into a high security building of one of China's greatest dream analyzers, taking him from his home in the night and bringing him back. To get the next information that they were going to need from one of the Dream Lab scientists, XIAOJUN was taken to a rodeo to silently extract what he knew.

TEN and YANGYANG were then the interrogators when they got back, and HENDERY was the first to test what they had come up with when KUN and WINWIN finished the final details. HENDERY was successfully sent to the Dream World, and the other six followed right behind.

Leaving their base completely empty with glitching monitors.

Judgement of Research: N/A

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