
83 9 4

April 29th, 2020

Research Type: Effect

Group Involved: Dream


File Name: Ridin'

Goal: N/A

Summary: Tracing the dreamies in the Dream World without mirrors watching them is difficult. The lab has taken comfort in knowing they are out of WayV's reach, but we are continuing to locate them to discover what they are doing.

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CHENLE climbed out of the trunk, shutting it harshly behind him. With not enough space in the car for all of them, he had lost the game of rock paper scissors and ended up in the trunk. So now he was cramped up and sore from being in there for hours, making him miserable.

The section of the Dream World they ended up in was completely unlike what they had just come from, but nothing strange compared to what they had seen before. An abandoned city with neon lights and motorcycles for them to play with was not the worst. The stark change in scenery was welcome after having been on the road for such a huge chunk of time, especially for CHENLE.

Now that DONGHYUCK was back in the Dream World with them, they started racing each other on the streets. Laughter and playful insults were heard over the sound of the motorcycles and the squeal of the tires on the pavement. It took them awhile to get tired of that, but once they did they split up and started exploring on their own.

JENO and JISUNG ended up finding some matches and lighter fluid, and they started to play around with whatever they found to burn. It started with a newspaper JISUNG found stuck against a fence, but it ended with JENO's finger lit. After that they decided they should probably put the matches away before they get burnt or start a fire they can't put out.

CHENLE found himself a can of spray paint and vandalized a car that was parked on the side of a road. When he was satisfied with the car, he was about to find all sorts of of things to decorate, but the can ran out and he ended up tossing it. Leaving him to wander around the city on his own.

For the other three, they were still racing around the city. Except DONGHYUCK was chasing RENJUN on foot after a teasing comment, and JAEMIN was on a motorcycle trying different tricks out. It felt like they were back enjoying themselves in the city they had been in for [Go], but somehow it felt more... free.

Judgement of Research: N/A

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