Chewing Gum

190 15 1

August 24th, 2016

Research Type: Experimental

Group Involved: Dream


File Name: Chewing Gum

Goal: To test the fabrication of the Dream World and whether clones function in said Dream World

Summary: The five teens who were not killed in the original dream analysis were put under a heavy sedative and hallucinogen, entering the Dream World alongside the two clones who were originally going to be joining them. Their interactions in the Dream World were monitored along with the effects of this technology on their physical stature.

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JAEMIN pulled out the metal box they had specifically been told not to touch by the guard in charge of them, putting it on the floor in the middle of the group with a wide grin on his face. A giddy sort of adrenaline made their hearts pound, knowing they'd be in huge trouble if they were caught.

In reality, the lab staff were using reverse psychology on the teens and two clones, knowing they would want what was in the box if they were told not to touch it. Even if it was seemingly just chewing gum. Chewing gum that was filled with a heavy sedative to send them into the Dream World, and a hallucinogen to make it seem as real as possible.

JENO and CHENLE were the first to egg him on to open the box, but DONGHYUCK decided he was taking too long and did it himself. Their eyes lit up when they saw the chewing gum, remembering that it was the highest of forbidden objects.

Without hesitation, the boys grabbed a few pieces each since they were small and popped them into their mouth. Smiles reached their eyes as they chewed, and the scientists on the other end of the cameras sighed. The amount of sedatives they had just put into their systems was almost enough to take out an horse, and they would now require more monitoring than they originally were prepared to do.

The teens and clones had no realization of the transition from the real world and the Dream World, and their eyes darted around their new surroundings. Bright colors surrounded them from all directions, and even their bland uniforms they were forced to wear were more colorful. Activities and items for them to play with were endless, and the seven experiments spread out around the room to test everything they could touch.

The scientists watching the boys through cameras advanced into the room where their bodies lay on the floor, bringing them into the monitoring stations that had been set up previously. Once everything was attached for their safety and survival, headbands were placed on their foreheads to observe what was going on in the Dream World that had been fabricated.

They sighed when they saw them on hover boards and in ball pits, all of them making notes on their clipboards to lower the hallucinogen and sedative amount in the chewing gum. For now, they'd let them play and see how long the intensity of their sugar coated rainbow world lasted.

Judgement of Research: Success 

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