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December 20th, 2016

Research Type: Social

Group Involved: 127 + others


File Name: Switch

Goal: To test if the clones are capable of understanding the difference between a real fight and a playful one using some of the dreamies, HANSOL and TEN to provide new faces for them.

Summary: Equipped with water guns and the intentions to maintain a playful setting with no new memories attached or further instructions, the clones were sent into an area away from the public with the three teens, TEN and one of the lab technicians to ensure nothing got out of hand. The clones had no problem understanding the concept of splitting their team, accepting new members, and recognizing that there was no actual danger. WINWIN was not included in this experiment due to recent glitching we have found with his programming.

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With the teams and weapons divided among those gathered, HANSOL being with the group that had a larger number of clones just in case, the water battle started. The dreamies that had been selected had no problem believing the clones they were with were human, and they were the first to get fully indulged in the battle. JENO even convinced YUTA to climb onto higher ground and drop water balloons on anyone below them.

It took awhile for the clones to fully understand the concept of what they were doing, with TAEYONG taking the longest as leader, but when they did they went all out. JAEHYUN and MARK took it to a level of acting as if they were dead.

HANSOL tried not to interfere with the experiment too much, but the clones and teens alike took a liking to him. So much that even after the experiment ended and everyone was back at the laboratory, HANSOL had to be transferred to another job so the subjects could move on.

DOYOUNG and TEN went along with everything just fine despite having been seemingly traumatized after the first experiment. JOHNNY also fit in seamlessly, but it was noted that he didn't understand the concept of duels when he was put in one against TAEYONG.

The scientists watching it deemed it safe to say the programming could handle the difference between work and play, and if need be, the clones are capable of being put in missions with new people. Leaving the only wild cards the dreamies.

Judgment of Research: Success

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