
79 13 4

July 25th, 2019

Research Type: Effect

Group Involved: Dream


File Name: Boom

Goal: Keep Dream safe

Summary: The teens appear to be maturing quickly, taking more interest in the fine arts surrounding them. They are no longer the kids who came up with childish schemes to flirt with a teacher or get their friend back.

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Interest in the fine arts? More like interest in anything to keep them from boredom. The building they found themselves in was not one of their choice. The six of them had simply woken up one morning in a tangle of limbs, sunshine on their face as they laid in an open field. Not the place or position they had fallen asleep in, but CHENLE found it funny enough to laugh about.

Every single day after that sunny one was dark and stormy, forcing them inside unless they wanted to stare at dark clouds. The building they now occupied was huge and full of art. In the middle of the main area on the ground floor there was a statute of Cellini's Perseus holding Medusa's head, and the ceiling of the room RENJUN spent most of his time in had the same painting Michelangelo did on the Sistine Chapel.

And then there were mirrors. Mirrors were in each room, making them at first unsettling. But like almost all things, they got used to it. Ignoring them as they occupied themselves. Which was going quite well until they started to notice some changes.

It started when JENO took a break from his boxing, heading outside to get some fresh air. A German shepherd was sitting a bit a ways from him, and he crouched down to get a better look at him. The dog was actually one of HENDERY's, and he had left WayV's base to go to where he knew they were headed in hopes to find his master. After that it was just chaos.

The books JAEMIN had all over the library would start to levitate, JISUNG started fencing himself, the pieces of DONGHYUCK's chess set moved on their own in random patterns while his opponent also became himself, and the storms became more frequent. When RENJUN's paints started changing color and CHENLE got sick of DONGHYUCK hanging around him while he played piano, then they decided something needed to be done. 

Their first thought was to get rid of whatever demon had possessed the building they were living in. The group surrounded CHENLE as he held a burning rose, and JISUNG threw himself a birthday party on his own just to use the wish when he blew out the candle. 

That only seemed to anger it more.

Flashes of light blinded JISUNG, JAEMIN and JENO when they walked out of a room, faceless photographers stopping them from going anywhere as RENJUN watched them turn stone still. A mirror cracked in front of JENO one day, and they decided this was the last straw.

So CHENLE grabbed JISUNG and the two ran up the steps, JISUNG almost tripping as they ran. The six of them then got into a red car and drove through the field away from the building. Not looking back for a single second.

Judgement of Research: ???

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