Chaptee 47

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Alex pov

We walk back to fathers office with me and draco hand in hand and the weasel just above us, and off course we cant forget aunt bella basically breathing down our necks literally I could help but to just awkwardly smile at draco as I could tell he was feeling the same as me.

"Does she always have to do this it's like we have a parasite that wont let go"

"Can you blame her we're adorable together no doubt about it , just be glad she hasn't gotten out here camera yet.... oh spoke too soon"

I was so focused on our conversation I hadnt noticed she had been taking pictures for a little while.

"Guess there is now escaping her frenzy is there" I said through fits of laughter

Soon we got back to the office and I went to sit on my chair draco right next to me.

"So what happened to him" I said gesturing to the barrier above me

"We cant be sure until me do an analysis" victor had all his tools ready to do an analysis looked like it was going to be a painful process.

"Well feel free to use the room we were in earlier I'm sure father doesn't mind" I offered as I looked at father permission, he just nodded his head in agreement and soon enough victor and cedric made their way to the room and slammed the door shut.

"So am I the only one that's confused here?" Tom had asked he had missed the capture we still couldn't blow our plan

"Well victor and cedric over there are the demon emperor and empress and the think in the barrier was the weasel something happened to him obviously but we dont know what" draco had explained the basic I decided not to engage I decided to just let everything unfold

"THATS THE DEMON EMPEROR AND EMPRESS...unbelievable" father was basically having a fit it was hilarious to watch I've never seen him act so frazzled.

"So why are they here I thought they barely show themselves " tom was fully engaged in the topic wanting to get every little detail

" well they are here for Dumbledore as hes gone rogue and me and alex here have the power to potentially to take their place" draco had finished explaining and everything stood silent for a few months


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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