Chapter 10

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Today is the day me go back to school, Aunt Bella and Uncle Tom want both me and Draco to keep in touch and inform them of important information that happens in school Tom also said he had a surprise for use at the end of the year and Bella is going to come visit me in the chamber of secrets now that I mentioned it the basilisk is going to be happy to see me again turns out I didn't kill it but once she got over her annoyance she and I become friends.

I was just in the middle of getting dressed when I heard a voice and I knew exactly who it was

'Hello little one miss me'

'Amor? I missed you what have you been up to'

'oh nothing much but I need to tell you something about your powers they will help you greatly in your mission at school'

'ok what is it'

'as you already know you can speak to snakes but you mind allows you to learn any language all you have to do is come into contact with someone who can speak another and also try and not get mad I'm not even going to explain this one it will be funny to watch if it happens'

'thanks I guess but do you really have to keep what happens away from me'

'yes little one, now finish getting dressed and you can  spend more time with little Draco have fun little I wont be back in a while good bye'

'Bye Amor ill miss you'

we finished our conversation and I went back to getting ready to go to kings cross station, when I finished, i shrunk my trunk and made my way downstairs to met Draco and father so we could leave.

Draco of course was first to greet me

"hey Alex you ready to go?"

"Yeah just nervous I guess, I don't know why though"

"come on boys we have to go" we heard father call from down the hall hauling us over to go to the station.

"coming father" I shouted before grabbing Draco's hands and running down the hallway

"come on Draco " I was happy I finally get to go home the only down fall about this is dumblefuck will be there but I'm not going to let that get me down plus ill have Draco with me at all times and I wouldn't change it for the world.


Everyone was giving us weird looks when we got to kings cross. I don't thing they have ever seen a professor at the station before not to mention the most feared professor what surprised them most is that he's showing affection in front of other which I think scared a lot of people but it just put a smile on my face.

"Don't forget Alex when you get to the castle you will ride the boats with the first years and you will be sorted just before them and remember I love you no matter what happens" he pulled me into warm hug and I could feel thousands of eyes staring at us and I was sick of it.

"don't you people have anything better to do than stare at others!" I started to get really angry my magic was getting out of control its all there fault for staring at us I'm sick of the constant staring . I was losing it and I needed to calm down but I don't know how. I looked at Draco for help he walked up to me and engulfed me in a caring hug I could feel myself turn back to my normal state.

"thank you Draco lets go I cant stand these people bye father see you at school " I gave him one last hug before disappearing into the train

when me and Draco found a empty I jumped onto Draco we stayed like this for a while until I decided to break the silence.

"hey Draco did you know the hat originally wanted to put me in slytherin"

"what really why didn't it put you in it then"

"because I told it not to everyone told me that all slytherins are bad and plus you were a prat back then"

"but you love me"

"yes I do" I pulled Draco in for a kiss, the kiss was passionate but it only lasted 3 minutes before we had trouble by an unwanted guests.

"well if it isn't ferret and his little whore" the voice I've known for years it made me furious that he called Draco ferret  and I am certainly not a whore if he says one more word about us ill kill him.

'Alex you need to calm down just ignore him and if he doesn't then ill take matters into my own hands'

'you right and thanks you Draco could you hold me it helps'

'ok but if he says another word about you I think I might kill him '

"so your not going to say anything, I think you need to know who's boss around here you whore" he lifted up his wand and shot a hard stupefy at me I fell backwards I could fell the rage build up inside me and Draco was just as bad as I am . my wing burst out ripping my shirt and my horns emerged I was raging I could feel fire surrounding me ill kill him.

I slowly made my way to the disgusting prat, I grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"what makes you think you get to treat me and MY mate like that ill kill you,you don't deserve your place just because your friends with someone who hasn't been seen for weeks its all in the daily prophet face it you just a self centred arrogant  prat !"

by the time I finished my little speach everybody had come out of their compartment to watch the scene fear clearly radiating off of all of them.

I walked back into the compartment and lay back in Draco's chest.

"you really showed them who not to mess with, that's  why I love shortcake"

"shortcake? where'd that come from?"

"its just a nickname I came up with I mean if you don't like it-"

" no I like it and I love you dray"

just then the compartment door flung open once again but I realised it was just Draco's friends so I let them continue into our compartment but that didn't mean I let my guard down .

"DRACO WHO IS THAT ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME!?!?" it was like hearing a banshee scream into your ears

"for the last time pansy I'm gay and I wouldn't date you even if I wasn't gay and if you don't like my BOYFRIEND then leave!" I couldn't take any more shouting and screaming it was to much for me my vision started to fade until everything when black.


hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I was really busy with homework ill try and get the next chapter up soon


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