Chapter 3

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=====Draco P.O.V=====

Alex has been in his room since our little family reunion scene in the kitchen, he's been in bed sleeping I carried him he was so cute. I am so grateful he is my mate but how do I tell him, he won't forget all the comments and torment I put him and his friends through but I love him no matter what. I will let no one hurt him he is mine and I will protect him. it is my job as his angel no one will get in our way.

======Alex P.O.V===== 

I woke up with a huge grin on my face 'well aren't you in a jolly mood'

who's there?"

'you can hear me, finally if you want to see me just look into a mirror' I did as the voice told me to do when I looked I saw black wings an horns the same ones on I had on the night of my inheritance. 'what's your name' I asked in my head  it seemed to hear my thoughts it soon answered my question 'My name is Amor meaning love I am the demon side  of you I am to help you get through life with ease but of course I can't do that for you forever that is also why you have a mate I can sense your mate and it seems your mate is in the house somewhere.'

As soon as he explained I headed right to where Draco was when I found him I pounce on him I just couldn't help myself an with that is seconds our lips were connected it was a slow and  passionate kiss we could tell we both cared about each other.

when we broke apart I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks

"what's wrong Alex?" he asked with concern

"Please don't leave me I love you so so much I don't want to lose you ever, I've never hated you I was always in love wit you and only you ." The tears kept going every thing was a blur now.

"I will never leave you.. ever I will keep you with me for as long as I live I have no intention of leaving you, you are the most important thing to me more than anything in the world I will protect you till the very end and nothing can stop me from doing so cause I love you and you only."

The tears were still falling not because I was worried because Draco really did love me and he cares for me I was so happy I put my head into his chest, he held me, he made me feel safe, protected and important in a different was - I didn't want to let go but all good things must come to an end.

I sat next to Draco  for a couple of seconds then I could feel a slight tingle in my right hand i looked over to Draco he had the same expression of slight, I looked over to my wrist and Draco did the same we read out loud what was written on our  hands.

"Together Forever Eternity" we said in unison we both looked at each other in confusion

what could it mean?


Hi sorry this is a bit short chapter I couldn't get much done because I'm sick but a least I got my slytherin friends to help me comment down below what you house is.

Bye Bye 

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