Chapter 12

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Alex POV

I walked up to the stool and sat down everyone glared at me knowing exactly what house I'll be sorted into, it's only a matter of time before one of them challenges me.

I was too busy sorting out my plan that I hadn't realised the sorting hat had been placed on me.

'Ah mister Potter I see you came back as your true self'

"Yes I have and I'm going to let tryout me into my rightful house." I said to it in my head.

Ok the"better be SLYTHERIN!!!"

Everything in the hall was silent
No-one said anything but then Draco started clapping and cheering soon the whole Slytherin table was giving me an applause I smirk knowing what was going to happen next.

Just as I expected Ronald Weasley went into an uproar he just never learns its only a matter now.

"ok since you think your all that I challenge you to a duel just you and me no one else can alter our battle" said the weasel in this annoying voice

"I accept your challenge weasel I'm going to warn you now you won't win this"
this is going to be fun  I thought to myself we both look at the teachers table for their consent  dumblefuck nodded interested on what was about to happen, Father however look utterly frightened I gave him a warm smile telling I know what I'm doing, I look at Draco and he had a smirk on his face.

'you read my thoughts didn't you dray'

'yeah that weasel is as good as dead when your done teaching the prat a lesson I have a surprise for you'

'really I love you dray' 

'I love you too shortcake' 

when I finished my conversation weasley wasted no time throwing every curse and hex he knew, which was not many but anyway every spell he through at me I just dodged.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" I shouted resulting in the weasel on the floor
I walked over to him and healed all his wounds the scars will never go away it will be a constant reminder never to mess with me but knowing him he will try at nothing to make my life a living hell which would be the worst mistake if he touches Draco.

I walk over to my seat next to Draco and Blaise while everybody fusses over the prat.

"so what about a reward Dray I mean I just hosted an amazing piece of entertainment"

that you did shortcake but your father on the other hand looks like he is going to explode with laughter any moment now but here is your reward shortcake"

he pulled me into a quick kiss trying not to draw to much attention but when I looked up about half the school was looking at us.

"DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE WEASEL OVER THERE!" I shout ,everyone went to their business 
Luna Lovegood however walked up to us and in her normal dreamy whisper said

" hello harry"

" hey Luna I would have figured you would know how have you been?"

"I'm been great Neville knows about you too he's on our side and its good to see you Draco"

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" said Draco clearly confused about the situation

"Luna's a true Seer Dray" I said to Draco as he stared in astonishment

 "Hey Luna do you like you could get Neville and the Twins and yourself to meet me on the 7 floor I got something to show you " I smiled as she nodded and walked to the Gryffindor table to speak with them.

" so what do you have to show them"

"its a surprise and you won't be able to read my thoughts on this one my lovely friend so your going to have to wait"

" okay shortcake" and kissed my forehead

"you guys are cute together you know" said Blaise with a smirk plastered to his face
"oh shut up Blaise"

"what I was only stating the truth"

"whatever Blaise anyway I need you Crabbe and Goyle to meet me on the 7th floor tomorrow"

When we finished seeing the first years be sorted and finished the welcoming feast father showed us to our dorms me and Draco ended up sharing a dorm .

We immediately fell into the bed.

"Goodnight dray"

"Goodnight shortcake"

My eyes grew heavy and the room went black 'goodnight little master' was the last thing I heard before I drifted into the dream world the only thing bothering me is that voice earlier was not Amor or Draco.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter and who do you think the voice was? Do you think the voice is a good thing? Find out in the next chapter.
Bye guys

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